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Breaking Through Interference in the Form of "Sickness Karma" and Letting Go of Notions

Aug. 16, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Henan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. I am 83 years old. My faith in Falun Dafa and Master has never wavered. I study the Fa whenever I have time and have never missed the global set times for SFRT (sending forth righteous thoughts) since Master asked us to do this. I tell people about the goodness of the practice and the lies of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP). I help people withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. If they are unwilling to withdraw from the party, I tell them my personal experiences practicing Falun Dafa and the many benefits the practice brings people. I help to remove the factors that are interfering with them understanding Dafa. I wait for the right opportunity to save people that have good predestined relationships. Due to my advanced age, there is little that I need to attend to. I have studied the Fa and practiced the five exercises every day. Since 2005, I have been able to enter a state of deep tranquility, particularly during the still meditation postures. I have experienced that several of the gestures that strengthen the movements, including Heshi (pressing the hands together in front of the chest) when coming out of tranquility, all follow the automatic movements of the energy mechanisms.

Even though I was diligent, I suffered from long-term interference in the form of serious "sickness karma." I frequently had headaches and my throat was irritated. Particularly since 2006, it was difficult to endure the pain in my calves, due to swelling and itchiness. I viewed my symptoms as eliminating karma, so I passively endured them. I didn't seek medical help and hadn't taken medicine for a long time, but when I heard that someone with the same symptoms was cured with folk remedies, I tried some of these as well. They were ineffective. Sometimes I thought, I shouldn't regard this as sickness, yet I was always looking for methods to get rid of my symptoms. I didn't view this as an opportunity to improve my xinxing. Every time I had a new bout of illness, I just felt helpless. Many years passed, and the symptoms worsened.

Recently I reread Master's scripture, "Expounding on the Fa" from Essentials for Further Advancement. I realized that I was confused and misunderstood Master's Fa as it relates to "sickness karma."

Master wrote,

“For a long period of time the sentient beings in Dafa, especially the disciples, have had a misunderstanding of the Fa at various levels regarding xinxing improvement. Whenever a tribulation comes, you do not see it with the side of your original nature but view it completely with your human side. Evil demons then capitalize on this point and inflict endless interference and damage, leaving students in long-term tribulations.”

I really looked within after reading this passage. I realized I had attachments and human notions that I hadn't gotten rid of. I viewed these tribulations with a fatalistic and passive demeanor. I realized that practitioners need to understand every tribulation and circumstance from the perspective of the Fa, and not from the perspective of a human being. In the process of cultivating and saving sentient beings, Falun Dafa practitioners should deny all tribulations arranged by the old forces. We must have the courage to overcome all difficulties and be able to endure suffering, but that is not the same thing as accepting the old forces' arrangements. I repeatedly read, "Expounding on the Fa" until I memorized it. The next time I had a recurrence of "sickness karma" and itched, I refused to recognize the old force arrangements. I endured and did not scratch myself at all. But the more I endured the worse the itching became until my whole body was itchy. I have no words to describe that kind of pain. I just held my itchy and swollen leg, and recited Master's scripture,

“When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Zhuan Falun, 2000 Version)

I also recited, "Expounding on the Fa" from Essentials for Further Advancement, and sent a thought to make the symptoms disappear. I continued like this for three days and the symptoms clearly improved. Besides my regular Fa study and practicing the exercises, I recited, "Expounding on the Fa" whenever I woke up during the night. Every day the swelling went down. After 22 days, the symptoms completely disappeared. The headaches were also gone.

I enlightened to the principle that as long as practitioners understand the Fa from the perspective of the Fa, let go of human notions, use righteous thoughts when encountering any tribulation, then the Fa can manifest its miraculous power.