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Jiaohe City Officers Detain Nine Practitioners in Four Days

Aug. 16, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Jilin Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Seven practitioners were taken to brainwashing centers and two were taken to forced labor camps within four days, from August 1-4, 2011, in Jiaohe City, Jilin Province.

Mr. Wu Dexiu and Mr. Wang Aiguo were taken to a forced labor camp to serve a one and a half year term on August 4, 2011. They were arrested on July 20, 2011, and interrogated by the Jiaohe Criminal Police Team officers under physical duress. Mr. Wu was arrested six times in the past. He was harassed often and had to leave his home. This is the third time he was sent to a forced labor camp.

On the afternoon of August 4, 2011, two plainclothes officers from the 610 Office went into Mr. Zhang Wei's shop and attempted to take him away, but Mr. Zhang resisted. They called four officers from the Minzhu Police Station to come, and they forcibly carried Mr. Zhang into the police car. Mr. Zhang was taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center in Jilin City.

Mr. Dong Xiangrui, a retired cadre, was taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center on the afternoon of August 2, 2011. Over the years, Mr. Dong has been harassed by the local police station and his previous work authorities. He had been homeless for some time, and his pension withheld by the 610 Office.

Mr. Li Desheng, 40, was taken to a brainwashing center on the afternoon of August 2, 2011. Mr. Li was arrested several times in the past and sent to forced labor camps three times.

Wang Gen and two officers from the Xinnong Police Station followed Ms. Sun Yuying's son to her home and took Ms. Sun away at 5:20 p.m. on August 1, 2011. Ms. Sun was taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center that night.

Ms. Zhang Yanzhu, employed at the Jiaohe City Coal Mine, was taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center on the evening of August 1, 2011. In June 2010, officers from the Naizishan Police Station arrested Ms. Zhang and took her to the Jilin Province Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. Liu Shufen was arrested at her workplace, the Jiaohe Hotel, on the afternoon of August 1, 2011. She was taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.

Ms. Zhang Feng from Tiangang Town was taken from her home to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center on August 1, 2011.

On the afternoon of August 1, 2011, two plainclothes officers broke into the home of Ms. Sun Mingying, 65, a retired teacher, to harass her. Ms. Sun and her family refused to cooperate with them and they left afterwards.