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Puyang City Police in Henan Province Arrest Eight Falun Gong Practitioners in July

Aug. 16, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Henan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Eight Falun Gong practitioners residing in Puyang City of Henan Province were taken away by the police in July 2011.

On July 8, Mr. Wang Caowei, from Yanggu County, Liaocheng City in Shandong Province, was arrested while he was in Nanyue County of Henan. He was illegally incarcerated in Nanyue County Detention Center. His family attempted to visit him on July 11, but were denied. The detention center pushed the responsibility to the Domestic Security Team. Mr. Wang’s family then looked for members of the Domestic Security Team. Police officer Jiao Wenxiang defied the law and shouted, “You are not allowed to see the prisoner!”

When practitioners Ms. Shao Ziying and Mr. Zhang Wenbin were putting up banners at Nanyue County to expose the crimes of the county police against Mr. Wang Caowei, they themselves were arrested. On July 21, Zhang Xiuhua, wife of Mr. Zhang Wenbin, and her family members went to Nanyue County Domestic Security Team to request the release of her husband. They were physically assaulted and illegally detained by the police.

Nanyue County practitioners Mr. Yang Hechun and Mr. Jia Wenxiu were also detained in Nanyue Detention Center.

On July 15, Liaocheng City police came to Nanyue County Detention Center to see the practitioners. The detention center personnel demanded that the incarcerated practitioners write guarantee statements promising to give up their practice, and ordered them to step on the photo of Falun Gong founder Mr. Li Hongzhi before they could be released. None of the practitioners cooperated with the unreasonable demands. In the end, the detention center did not release them.

In addition, on the night of July 14, Ms. Wen Fengqing's home in Puyang City was ransacked by officers led by Zheng Yonghai from the Puyang City Domestic Security Team. She was also taken away. This is the third time Ms. Wen has been detained.

Around July 10, Ms. Li Qingmin and Ms. Chu Meiran were arrested by police officers from the Zhongyuan City Oilfield Domestic Security Team. Currently Ms. Li is incarcerated in Huangpu Detention Center, while Ms. Chu suddenly had a relapse of a serious illness. She was sent to Zhongyuan Oilfield hospital for treatment.

Main persons who participated in the persecution in Nanyue County:
Gao Hongwei, manager of Nanyue County 610 Office
Domestic Security Team: Jiao Wenxiang, Li Guoqiang
Chen Shijun, Nanyu County Police Department head
National Security Team office: +86-393-8845989, +86-393-882579

Persons who participated in the persecution of Wen Fengqing:
Bian Hongqing, head of Puyang City 610 Office: +86-393-6666529 (office)
Wang Haizhen, Domestic Security Team: +86-393-8820232 (office), +86-15903936689 (cell)

Persons who participated in the persecution of Li Qingmin and Chu Meiran:
Zhongyuan Oilfield 610 Office: Zhang Zhonghua, Shen Baoxia, Chen Ke
Zhongyuan Oilfield Domestic Security Team: +86-393-4894534