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Dafa Restores My Father's Health and Manifests Miracles in My Family

Aug. 16, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I have seen and experienced many miracles in my cultivation. They strengthen my belief in Falun Dafa, which is unshakable even in the midst of the evil persecution.

My Father Was Able to Sit Up

I first heard about Falun Dafa in 1995. Although I was only in my forties, my health was poor. My family was worried about me and didn't want to tell me that my father was dying, for fear that the stress of this news would compromise my health even further. One night I had a nightmare that the house where my father was living collapsed. I told my family about it the next morning. In Chinese culture, people believe that such dreams indicate bad things will happen to the concerned individual. Having considered the pros and cons of telling me the truth, my mother-in-law finally told me about my father. Therefore, I took a train to see him.

My older brother and his wife met me at the railway station. When I saw how skinny my father had became after not being able to eat for more than three weeks, I was moved to tears. My brother and sister-in-law were worried about me because I was also very weak. My sister-in-law had been practicing Dafa for two years, and she started telling me about the magnificence of Dafa. I cried out, “If Falun Gong is so miraculous, then make my father sit up on the bed. I will practice Falun Gong, too, if father can sit up now.” As soon as I said that, the room was suddenly filled with an unexplainable pleasant fragrance. My sister-in-law immediately put her hands together in the heshi gesture and said, “Teacher is here.” Before I understood what was happening, my father started to talk, “Help me sit up.” And he sat right up. I could not believe my eyes!

Thus, I began to read a copy of the book Falun Gong, which my sister-in-law borrowed for me. I thought that it was such a good book that I tried to hand-copy it. I read the book all day every day and thought about it even when I was sleeping. In the meantime, my father was getting much better.

I Could Cross My Legs for the Seated Meditation

Since I was a child, I had felt something like a tiny fan rotating between my eyebrows. When it started rotating, I fell asleep shortly thereafter. Every time I was tired, I instructed the “tiny fan” to turn on so that I could sleep, and I thought that everybody must have something like that. From reading Falun Gong, I realized that the “tiny fan” was actually my third eye.

Later, my sister-in-law also found a copy of Zhuan Falun for me. Once I opened the book, I heard my skull make a cracking sound as if it was being pried open. I then tried to cross my legs for the seated meditation like my sister-in-law, who was meditating gracefully. However, my knees pointed high in the air and my legs and hips hurt terribly, like they were broken. The pain caused by my attempt to cross my legs made me cry. Moreover, I fell when I tried to stand up after I had given up. I thought sadly that I would not be able to practice Falun Dafa. The next day I tried again but the pain persisted. What should I do? I was leaving to go home soon but had not yet learned the full set of exercises. My sister-in-law said to me, “Don't worry. Through your suffering, Teacher is eliminating your karma.”

A few days later when I was watching TV, I suddenly heard a voice speaking to me, “You can double cross your legs now.” Sitting down on the floor, I was surprised to find that I was able to do the lotus position without any pain. It took me only five days, from feeling extreme pain in crossing my legs to being able to do it easily. Mind you, I had not done any practice during those five days because my legs hurt. I realized then that I had no reason for not cultivating and that Falun Dafa was my destiny.

Teacher Protected My Home from Burglary

On a Saturday evening in 1996, my child and I were watching TV at home while my husband was away on a business trip. I noticed a stranger passing by my apartment, then heard the sounds of a break-in at one of my neighbors' apartments. After the stranger had walked by my apartment again, terrifying, loud noises came from another neighbor's apartment. I was too scared to go out until after all the noises stopped. I later learned that a burglar had broken into all of the apartments in our hallway except mine. I was amazed by the fact that the burglar skipped only my apartment, and realized that Teacher had protected my home. The next day, I saw countless shiny Faluns in my home.

Teacher Protected My Husband from Theft

My husband had a Falun wheel pin which he wore when visiting the Famen Temple in Sha'anxi in July 1996. A scholar who specialized in Buddhism, and happened to be at the temple, noticed the pin and expressed great respect for it.

Something happened to my husband when he had that pin in his possession in December 1997. He and his colleague went on a business trip to Zhuzhou, Hunan, and checked in to a local hotel. Knowing that hotel theft was common there, the colleague carefully checked the door lock and placed his clothes on a chair between the two beds before going to bed. They slept soundly that night. Yet in the morning the colleague found his clothes had disappeared, as had 3,000 yuan in cash and some important identification cards in his pockets. My husband's jacket was also stolen. In the afternoon, the hotel security guards informed my husband and his colleague that my husband's jacket was found in another room of the hotel. My husband examined the returned jacket and found nothing missing, not even his wheel pin.

My husband's colleague could not understand why only his stuff was stolen as he and my husband had been together the whole time. My husband showed him the pin and said, “My Teacher protects me.”