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Four Practitioners from Dianbai County, Guangdong Province Taken to Brainwashing Center

Aug. 16, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Guangdong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Over a dozen officers from the Shuidong Police Station and Guancaotian Police Station, led by Ruan Zhong, head of the 610 Office of Dianbai County Police Department, arrested Ms. Mai Weilian, Ms. Pan Guihui, Ms. Hong Meifang and Mr. Liu Shaozai and took them to the Shuidong Police Station on August 6, 2011. The four practitioners were taken to the Maoming Brainwashing Center the following day.

The police broke into Ms. Mai Weilian's home at 9:00 p.m. on August 6, 2011. They ransacked the place without showing a warrant and confiscated Falun Dafa books, 13,000 yuan in cash, and Ms. Hong Meifang's bank deposit book. Those arrested include Ms. Mai and Ms. Pan Guihui, Ms. Hong Meifang, and Ms. Mai's sister, who was visiting. Mr. Liu Shaozai tried to talk with the officers and was also arrested.

Mr. Liu's wife has a stand in the market. Several officers went there at 10:00 p.m. that same evening to harass her. Mr. Liu's wife closed her stand at 11:00 p.m. and brought her eight-year-old daughter to Ms. Mai's home. The police surrounded Ms. Mai's home and emptied it of valuables. Mr. Liu handed his bag to his daughter. Mr. Liu's wife was about to leave with her daughter when Ruan Zhong stopped them. Mr. Liu's wife was able to leave only after she distracted the officers.

Ms. Mai, Ms. Mai's sister, Ms. Pan Guihui, and Ms. Hong Meifang were taken to the Shuidong Police Station after midnight. The police took Mr. Liu to his home. They ransacked his house and confiscated four printers, a computer, Falun Dafa books, and 300 yuan in cash. Mr. Liu was also taken to the Shuidong Police Station at 2:00 a.m. the next day. In the mean time, the police released Ms. Mai's sick sister.

Mr. Liu Shaozai's
ransacked home

 Chinese couplet torn up

Cabinet searched and
emptied of valuables

Mr. Liu's parents and Ms. Mai's ten-year-old boy went to the Shuidong Police Station to request their release at around 3:00 p.m. the next day (August 7). Mr. Liu was on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The officers had tied him to a metal chair with chains, and he couldn't move a bit. His parents burst into tears upon seeing the scene. They questioned the officers, “Did he commit some wicked crime? Why are you treating him like that?” The officers said, “To educate him.”

At around 5:00 p.m., the officers ordered the family to go back home and return the next day. The family insisted on staying until the detainees were released. After a while, three officers from Maoming City arrived in a van with no license plate and tried to remove the detainees. The detainees' family went to stop them and the officers gave up. At around 6:00 p.m., Ruan Zhong, Xiao Xiong, and Cen Xun sent additional police and forcibly carried the four practitioners into the van. The practitioners' family tried to stop the police from taking them away, but the police nonetheless took them away by force.

Shuidong Police Station: +86-668-5526880
Guancaotian Police Station: +86-668-5529647