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Righteous Thoughts Helped Me Recover from Liver Disease

Aug. 17, 2011 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I would like to share my understanding on the subject of “illness” interference. Hopefully, this may be of value to fellow practitioners.

On June 1, 2010, I felt so ill that I couldn't use a machine tool at work. I had no strength and my facial expression was dark. I couldn't eat much, nor could I sleep well. Whenever I fell asleep, I sweated profusely, then woke up. I lost 30 pounds within ten days. Pain in my liver prevented me from doing the Falun Dafa exercises or sending righteous thoughts -it was even painful to read. I developed swelling the size of my palm on my chest.

During that time, I looked inward, trying to identify what I was doing wrong. Fellow practitioners offered their help. I noticed that I was lazy while doing both the exercises and reading the book, Zhuan Falun. I was impatient with my children and attached to money. However, I was clarifying the truth and had faith in Dafa and Teacher. As a result, I thought that I was doing fine.

On June 21, I couldn't stand the pain anymore and went to see a doctor. The Chinese doctor said that I had a stomach problem and gave me some medicine. The pain went away after taking the medicine. I thought, “The real problem is that I didn't study the Fa well enough to eliminate this illness.” The pain returned that afternoon, so I went to see the doctor again. I thought that perhaps I had a problem in my liver. He gave me different medicine, but it didn't help.

On June 22, I went to a small hospital for an ultrasonic scan. The doctor sent me to a large hospital because their machine was too old. At the large hospital, a doctor informed me that the scanned image indicated that the left side of my liver was non-functional and had to be removed. I thought this meant that the old forces wanted to remove a part of my future world. Therefore, I went home without saying anything to the doctor.

Upon hearing about what had happened to me, my father and sister cried. My younger sister hurried home from several hundred miles away. They all wanted me to have the operation. I said, “I probably won't live very long after the operation. I know that I've been careless in my practice over the past year, but I also know that anything can be achieved through Dafa practice. If I focus on Dafa practice, it may take less than ten days to recover.”

Prior to sending righteous thoughts, the following idea was on my mind: “I am determined to practice Falun Dafa; no one can change that.” Then when I erected my palm for three minutes, it felt like there was water flowing out of my liver. About eight seconds later, my right side felt very warm and there was no pain. After I finished sending righteous thoughts, I touched my liver area and felt no pain. Tears of gratitude flowed freely, as I realized that Teacher had removed the ailment from my liver. The next morning, I told my family what had happened and they all smiled. My younger sister said, “If you fully recover, I'll ask my children and husband to practice Falun Gong.”

I felt better daily, and the swollen part of my chest was vanishing. By the end of July, I was able to return to work.

My wife returned home for the new year and saw that I looked fine. She asked me to get a checkup just to be sure, which I did. She was so happy about my recovery that she helped me keep track of the time for sending righteous thoughts. Furthermore, she stopped our children from interrupting me while I sent righteous thoughts. When her sister and brother-in-law came to dinner, she told them how great Dafa was. In the past she was not so appreciative of Dafa, and always forced me to stop sending righteous thoughts at dinner time.

Now, I know that the non-practitioners around us are strongly influenced by our cultivation state.

In the past, I thought that I was supposed to force my wife to do the right thing, but she wouldn't listen. Now, I only wish her happiness and freedom, and place no requirements on her. She is now truly happy, knows how to take care of herself and deal with her colleagues. She said, “When I came home this time, I noticed that you had completely changed. It would have been even better if you'd done this earlier.”

When I see my wife smiling, my mind is full of gratitude for Teacher.

This is my personal understanding. Please point out anything inappropriate.