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Seniors Maintain a Successful Dafa Study Group

Aug. 17, 2011 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) In our area we have a small Fa study group that was established in 2004, after the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began. For seven years no one knew about it except the members of the group. Recently, while trying to pass along truth clarifying materials, a Dafa coordinator chanced to hear about its existence. He tried to find out more about the group but learned very little after putting in a lot of effort.

The group consists of seven elderly ladies who began their cultivation before the persecution began on July 20, 1999. The youngest member is 60 years old and the oldest is well over 70.

There is nothing special about this group except that they get together four and a half days a week to study Zhuan Falun. The rest of the time they go out in pairs to distribute and post Dafa materials, and talk to people about renouncing the CCP. On average, each pair can help more than 10 people to withdraw from any CCP affiliation every day.

Based on how little the coordinator could find out about this group I think there are four things worthy of note.

1. The group is able to do Fa study without any interference.

This group has been able to do the three things for seven years without being interfered with or stopped. They are able to follow Dafa teachings and have not experienced any interruption in their group study.

2. They emphasize personal cultivation.

Every member of the group is able to cultivate her speech. They do not tell others what they do as a group. When there is a question about validating the Fa or there is an issue of xinxing improvement, they always resolve it by looking inward. Younger practitioners see them as a group of old ladies and feel that there is no need to pay much attention to them. The fact that people don't want to pay attention to them means they are safe to do what they do. There is a minimal amount of interference and hence they can do the three things well.

3. They are not affected by family members.

These senior practitioners have full control of their time. They only spend an appropriate amount of time with their families. When it comes to validating the Fa or saving sentient beings, they always have the time and are able to work as a group.

4. They have a deep understanding of the Fa.

This small group understands the need to support other practitioners in the area to validate the Fa. They regularly provide financial support to the truth material production center in accordance with each member's financial situation. Basically, once their daily needs are met, they contribute the rest of their money to the center. They don't keep track of who contributed how much or tell people about their contributions. None of them want to show off.

For example, one of the ladies has a large inheritance. She contributes regularly to the production center. It is estimated that she has contributed 10,000 yuanover the years. However, no one in the group said anything about this. To complete this report, their coordinator put in an extra effort to come up with this estimate.