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Germany: Practitioners in Hamburg Expose the CCP's Crimes and Support 100 Million People Quitting the CCP Organizations (Photos)

Aug. 17, 2011 |   By Xue Li in Hamburg, Germany

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 13, 2011, practitioners in Hamburg, Germany held an information day activity in Spietaler Strasse in the downtown area. They exposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and at the same time supported more than 100 million Chinese people who have announced their withdrawals from the CCP and its affiliated organizations on The Epoch Times website.

Banners displayed at an information day activity held in Hamburg, Germany to support 100 million people quitting the CCP organizations

People watching re-enactment of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners

Practitioners displayed banners supporting 100 million people quitting the CCP organizations on one side of the pedestrian street. On one side of the banners was a table where information and materials about the persecution of Falun Gong were available; on the other side was an anti-torture exhibit, reenacting the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Visitors were drawn to the activity. They read the informational materials and expressed their concerns.

Signing a petition to support practitioners' efforts to work against the persecution

Signing a petition to support practitioners' efforts to work against the persecution

A man in his 60s stopped to speak with a practitioner. He said he fled East Germany when he was 18 years old. He said, “The organ harvesting of living people happening in China is too horrific and cruel.”

The man told the practitioner that he is a Christian. Sixty percent of people in East Germany upheld their own faith even after they had undergone brainwashing by the one-party dictatorship for more than 40 years. He said, “The righteous side will endure suffering, but the righteous will definitely make it through the tribulations.” “I'm completely on your side. I feel it is great that you can step forward to make efforts to stop the persecution. I'm grateful to you.”

A lady in her 50s couldn't suppress her shock while passing by the anti-torture exhibit. “It's horrible that a government could have done such a thing to its people. There are more and more bad things happening in the world that make one sad. It has made me lose hope for all this to get better all over again. But you still keep making efforts to oppose the persecution. I wish you success. Keep it up!”

A young man was dumbfounded with his mouth half open, upon seeing the anti-torture exhibit. A practitioner passed him a flyer. He read it immediately, and proceeded to sign the petition to call for an end to the persecution.

Two teenage girls walked from a distance and stopped in front of the anti-torture exhibit. They were startled after learning from a practitioner that the CCP secretly held Falun Gong practitioners in concentration camps and harvested their organs for transplantation when they were still alive. One of the girls couldn't help shivering, and said, “Terrible!” They asked what they could do to help, and then signed the petition.

A lady who is a physician in her early 30s asked in detail about the sources of organ transplants in front of the information table. She was concerned about whether some organs for transplantation in Europe are from China. She suffered from a rare heart and lung disease, and is on a waiting list for an organ transplant. She told practitioners, “I certainly don't hope the organ I need is obtained in this way.” A practitioner suggested that she try Falun Gong. She finally took the book Falun Gong.

A young Albanian woman and her daughter passed by the information table. She felt it hard to express her anger in language. She said, “It's an outrage. Who can remove organs from a living person, he is really not a human being, it's a crime against humanity.” She and her daughter both signed the petition.

A young woman walked up to the information table and raised many questions. She finally said, “I feel you've done quite well, especially the reenactment of live organ harvesting, which helps people learn more about what has happened in China.”

An Asian couple came at the end of the activity. They watched the reenactment of live organ harvesting for quite some time. The man said, “The whole world should stand up to stop this thing.”

A practitioner participating in the activity said that the CCP has done all kinds of evil things since it seized power, and its persecution of people who believe in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance will lead to its final disintegration.