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St. Louis: Rally Held as Movement to Quit the Chinese Communist Party Surpasses 100 Million Chinese Citizens

Aug. 17, 2011

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 14, the Service Center for Quitting the Party in St. Louis and local Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in front of the Old Courthouse to commend the 100 million Chinese people who quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated organizations.

Practitioners hold banners in front of the Old Courthouse

The rally started at 2 p.m. Participants held banners that read “Support the 100 Million Chinese Who Quit the CCP”, “The CCP Is Not China”, “Disintegrate the CCP and Stop the Persecution,” etc. Many local citizens stopped and asked about the event. When they learned that more 100 million Chinese people have withdrawn their memberships to the communist party and its associated organizations, many people commended the peaceful movement and signed a petition in support.

Since the book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published in November 2004, more than 100 million Chinese people have recognized the evil nature of the CCP and declared their withdrawals.

Ms. Mao, a representative from the Service Center for Quitting the Party, pointed out that the trend of quitting the Party reflects the situation that the Chinese people are disgusted with the CCP and do not want to be associated with it.

Signing the petition

Explaining the facts about the CCP's persecution of Chinese people

Many people told practitioners that they have heard about Falun Gong and the persecution. They expressed support for the practitioners and condemned the persecution.

Ed, a local young man, said that he learned about Falun Gong and the persecution from his brother from Philadelphia, who had come across a Falun Gong event in front of the Liberty Bell. Ed was happy to have a chance to sign the petition in Missouri to express his support.

Mike from Indiana said although he is not a Missouri citizen, he would like to sign the petition, because helping to stop the persecution is an international issue.