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Additional Persecution News from China - July 24, 2011 (6 Reports)

Aug. 17, 2011

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 6 cities or counties in 5 provinces. In this report, 9 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 5 were illegally arrested.

  1. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] 610 Office Personnel Break Into and Ransack Practitioners' Homes
  2. [Suining City, Sichuang Province] Additional Information on the Persecution of Mr. Lu Zhongzheng and His Family
  3. [Luotian county, Hubei Province] Mr. Li Jianbing Arrested and Taken to a Wuhan Brainwashing Center in June 2011
  4. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Wu Xuebing and Others Sentenced to Imprisonment
  5. [Urumqi, Xinjiang Province] Ms. Sun Li Forced to Leave Home
  6. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Chen Xiulin Detained

1. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] 610 Office Personnel Break Into and Ransack Practitioners' Homes

The Daigu Town Party secretary and the 610 Office staff from the police station broke into and ransacked practitioners' homes on June 4, 2011. They first went to Mr. Song Shubao's home in Dingjiazhuang Village in the morning. After ransacking the elderly man's house and making a mess, they stole a new canvas tent that he had recently bought.

Later that day at around 2 p.m., they went to Mr. Wang Mingzhong's home in Poli Village and ransacked it. Then they went to Ms. Liu Huange's home at around 4 p.m. They arrested Ms. Liu and confiscated several Falun Gong books and truth clarification materials. They also extorted 2,000 yuan from her family. Another practitioner from the same village also had 3,000 yuan extorted from him/her.

Ms. Gong Aichun from Xiawang Village was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. Mr. Wang Dongquan from Zhujiazhuang Village was detained for five hours. Many practitioners have been harassed.

2. [Suining City, Sichuang Province] Additional Information on the Persecution of Mr. Lu Zhongzheng and His Family

    Mr. Lu Zhongzheng went to work at Suining Experimental High School on July 9, 2011. As soon as he arrived at the school, he was arrested by officers from Beixiang Police Station, Suining City National Security Team, and the Public Security Bureau. After the police took his keys, more than ten of them went to his home. At that time, his wife, Ms. Liu Jinrong, and his son, Lu Wuyou, were at home. The officers confiscated two computers, a printer, and Falun Gong informational materials. They arrested Ms. Liu and took her to a brainwashing session at the Suining Detention Center. Her family has not been allowed to visit her yet.

      Officer Liu, Beigu Village Police Station: +86-13002830038
      Instructor Liu, Zheng Division of Suining Public Security Bureau: +86-13909068180

        3. [Luotian county, Hubei Province] Mr. Li Jianbing Arrested and Taken to a Wuhan Brainwashing Center in June 2011

        Police officers involved in this incident of persecution include:
        Li Yang: +86-13707251823
        Xia Lan: +86-13707251505, +86 -713-5055290
        Wang Xueping: +86-139+86527163, +86 -713-5058366
        Lu Jun: +86-13339969789, +86 -713-5051299

        4. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Wu Xuebing and Others Sentenced to Imprisonment

          From August 28 to 31, 2010, Mr. Wu Xuebing, Ms. Zeng Hui, Mr. Yang Yong, and Mr. Xia Hai were arrested in Anlu City by officers from Yantian Police Station in Fenggang Town, Dongwan City, Guangdong Province. A judge at the Third Court in Dongwan sentenced them to prison on March 7, 2011. They appealed to the Dongwan City Intermediate People's Court in Guangdong but were turned down. The Intermediate People's Court ruled to “turn down the appeals and maintain the original verdict” on June 28, 2011.

          5. [Urumqi, Xinjiang Province] Ms. Sun Li Forced to Leave Home

          Ms. Sun Li, 58, lives in the Tianshan District in Urumqi. Since May 20, 2011, she has been repeatedly harassed by the police and the street committee personnel. She was also threatened by staff from the political and law committee. As a result, she was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution.

          In January 2001, her home was ransacked and all of her Dafa books and truth clarification materials were confiscated. She was arrested and detained for 15 days. Then she was transferred to the Xijiang Military Region for over a year. In April 2002, the officials at the Xinjiang Military Region forced her to divorce her husband, who is in the military. During her detainment, she was illegally fined 10,000 yuan that was withheld from her property during her divorce. In addition, they forced her to move out of her home in the military region.

          On April 9, 2004, someone who believed the Chinese regime's propaganda about Falun Gong reported Ms. Sun to the authorities when she was distributing truth clarification materials. As a result, she was sentenced to forced labor for a year. She was released on April 8, 2005. In July 2007, police officers went to her home and ransacked it again.

          Three officers from Dawan Police Station ransacked her home for the third time in February 2008 and found Falun Gong-related materials. Ms. Sun was then sentenced to forced labor for one year.

          Director's office, Street Committee at Yan'an Road: +86-991-2566636
          Yang Ling, Chenguang Community Committee: +86-18999213063
          Saiwawaer, district police: +86-13325693548
          Ya Sen, district police: +86-13325593099
          Ma Qiyuan (in charge of persecuting practitioners), Dawan Police Station: +86-13999132880

          6. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Chen Xiulin Detained

          Ms. Chen Xiulin and Ms. Li Guifang are from Jiamusi. In the afternoon on July 18, 2011, they were arrested by officers from Fendou Police Station in Jiamusi when they were telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Ms. Chen is still in a detention center, but while Ms. Li has returned home.

          Instructor, Fendou police station: +86-13945499229
          Assistant director: +86-13836654777
          Assistant director: +86-13945481991

          July 24, 2011