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People Quit the CCP after Practitioners Clarify the Truth Face-to-Face

Aug. 18, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) There are several elderly practitioners around me. They persist in going out to clarify the truth and advise people to quit the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and its affiliated organizations every day, rain or shine. They save sentient beings steadily and continuously. The following are stories from the times that they clarified the truth to people face-to-face.

I Deeply Hold Your Master in High Esteem,” Master Li is Very Great”

Once, a practitioner met a man who looked like a Northeasterner. The practitioner gave him a warm greeting and asked, “Are you a fellow from the north?” He answered, “Yes, I am.” The practitioner said, “There are many people who practice Falun Gong in the north. Our Master is from the north.” He said, “So many Falun Gong practitioners are being arrested, but there are still so many people who follow your Master to practice Falun Gong. I deeply hold your Master in high esteem. Falun Gong's Master is good!”

One day, a practitioner saw that there was a group of young men distributing real estate flyers in front of a shopping mall. This practitioner approached them, clarified the truth and advised them to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. One of the young men said, “I know the truth. I saw your Master's books online. The principles that Master Li teaches are very good. Master Li is very great. Quitting the CCP sounds like a good idea. I will quit. I too think that the Party is really bad.”

Senior Citizen: “I Became More and More Healthy After I Quit the CCP”

Once, a practitioner clarified the truth to a person who was over eighty years old and helped the old person quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. One month later, this old person met the practitioner again. The old person said excitedly, “I finally found you. I became more and more healthy after I quit the CCP's affiliated organizations (the Youth League and Young Pioneers) and I recite 'Falun Dafa is good' every day. I want to learn Falun Gong too!”

Policemen Realize the Truth and Happily Quit the CCP

One day, a practitioner saw a young man come out of a building. The practitioner went to him with a smile and began to clarify the truth. The man said immediately, “Ah, you are a Falun Gong practitioner. I am a policeman. I am also a former soldier.” The practitioner said, “You are a policeman. I want to tell you that you must not persecute Falun Gong. Falun Gong is from the Buddha school. I believe that those who persecute Falun Gong will suffer karmic retribution in the future.” The policeman said, “I know. I saw a lot of information online. The articles that the CCP wrote to slander Falun Gong are all bogus.” The practitioner said, “Since you are a former soldier, you must be a CCP member. I want to tell you kindly that you will be safe only if you quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.” The young policeman agreed immediately, and the practitioner helped him to select a pseudonym.

One day a practitioner met a retired plainclothes policeman who was over sixty years old in a park. The practitioner said, “Brother, you should guarantee your own safety regardless of whether you are a policeman or not.” He said nothing. The practitioner asked him if he knew about Falun Gong. He answered, “There were over 100 million people practicing Falun Gong before the persecution. So many people practiced Falun Gong, it should be good.” The practitioner said, “Yes. And Falun Gong has spread to over one hundred countries. In some countries, they even teach students to practice Falun Gong in physical education classes.”

The practitioner continued, and asked him, “Did you ever participate in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners when you were a policeman?” He said, “I was a plainclothes policeman. I just arrested thieves. I did not arrest any Falun Gong practitioners.” The practitioner said, “Do your children also work in the police system? Tell them to not persecute practitioners. The 2001 Tiananmen Square 'self-immolation' was staged by the CCP. It was nothing more than propaganda.” The retired policeman nodded.

The practitioner said, “Brother, you should quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. You will be safe only after you quit your membership.” The retired policeman agreed. The practitioner helped him to select a pseudonym, and told him to remember the pseudonym. The practitioner clarified the truth more deeply, and told him to remember, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is good.” He agreed and accepted some Falun Dafa amulets. Onlookers asked for amulets too.

Business Director: “Falun Gong is Really Great”

A practitioner met a business director of a company. The practitioner clarified the truth about Falun Gong to him. He understood and said, “I read Falun Gong's books online before. They are great. Today when I first looked at you, I noticed your good complexion and appearance. Falun Gong is really great!”