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Clarifying the Facts About Falun Gong While Removing Attachments

Aug. 18, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Panjin City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I began my Dafa practice in 1997. Over the years of clarifying the truth to people, I have removed many attachments.

Removing Fear and the Notion of “Luck”

A group of fellow practitioners set out to distribute Dafa pamphlets in a suburban area. Shortly after we began, my stomach started to ache. My first thought was that it was interference. I then thought it could be a hint from Teacher warning us not to go there. I later learned that our coordinator also had a stomachache, but he didn't mention it, because he didn't want to affect our mission to save sentient beings. Things didn't work out very well that day. By the time we reached our destination, it was already after 8:00 p.m. At that time no one mentioned their stomachache or why we arrived so late. When we separated into two groups to distribute materials, I said to the other group, “Don't do it when you see someone. Safety is important.” I now understand that I caused the problems myself.

Halfway through what I was doing, someone saw me. I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts to remove the evil spirit that was interfering with saving sentient beings. A man from the police department approached me, and several police vehicles arrived. He told me that Falun Gong pamphlets had shown up in the area earlier.

My first thought was, "If I get caught, what will my spouse do?” Such a thought generated a lot of fear. I then recalled Dafa principles and asked Teacher for help, “Whatever error I made, I can re-align myself with the Fa and not allow the old forces to persecute me. I must go home tonight.”

As I calmed down, I explained the facts about Dafa to the man. Finally, he let me go, and I returned safely with Teacher's help. This experience allowed me to remove fear, the notion of "luck," and showing off.

Removing More Fear and Saving Predestined Beings

In July of this year I went to a security bureau building to explain the facts about Dafa to an elderly lady. There was a man nearby and I gave him a "Wishing You Peace" booklet. The lady said to me, “That man works in the police department. It's not safe for you to talk to him.” I felt that my purpose was to save him and that I shouldn't care about his job.

I told him about the June 4th event, the fact that self-immolation at Tiananmen Square was staged, the words formed in the stone in Guizhou Province, etc. He said he was in Beijing on June 4, 1989, and he knew about it. He wanted to know about Dafa. Fearful thoughts came to me, “Is this a trap?” I then realized that I should assist Teacher to spread the Fa. As a person moving towards godhood, why should I be afraid? I went back home to get the nine lectures, Fengyu Tiandi Xing [A video series about Falun Dafa's history over the past 11 years], the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, etc. and gave them to him. He was very happy and repeated, “Thank you” many times. I said, “You need to thank Teacher. You and I have a predestined relationship. For your safety you should withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).” He said, “Sure!”

Clarifying the Truth Together and Letting Go of the Impulse to Argue

A fellow practitioner and I were on our way to spread the facts about Dafa. When we saw some out-of-town workers working on the road, we decided to clarify the truth to them. When we were ready to discuss our main points, we saw a fellow with a cell phone standing two meters away looking around. The other practitioner immediately stopped talking and moved away to the roadside. She began asking for Teacher's help to stop anyone from interfering with our activity. I continued talking to the workers and four of them agreed to withdraw from the CCP. At this point the other practitioner asked me to leave, because she saw that fellow playing with his cell phone and she was fearful. In the past I would have argued with her, but now I know I should respect her concern about safety, and Dafa practitioners should act together as one body.

We were in a district to distribute pamphlets together but the door frames in that district were such that we could not get the pamphlets through. The other practitioner said, “Let's go to another district.” My immediate reaction was, “Why should I listen to you?” But then I recalled Teacher's words,

“...any troubles or unpleasant things you come across—even if they involve work for Dafa, or no matter how good or sacred you think they are—to eliminate your attachments and expose your demon-nature so that it can be eliminated, for your improvement is what’s most important.” (“Further Understanding,” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

I replied, “Sure! Let's go.” When we reached the main road, a hot stream flew through my body. Teacher encouraged me for aligning with the Fa, where all considerations should be for others instead of ourselves.

Teacher said,

“...your improvement comes first. Without your improvement, nothing can be achieved, and that includes saving sentient beings. If you fail to improve and achieve Consummation, where will the sentient beings that you save go? Who will take them? (“Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference”)

I have done a lot of work in saving sentient beings, but I did not do enough in improving my character. While carrying out Dafa work, I have a righteous mind, but facing conflicts at home, I forget to cultivate myself. I need to be stricter with myself and do the three things well.

Thank you, revered Teacher!

Thank you, fellow practitioners!