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Additional Persecution News from China – August 2, 2011 (19 Reports)

Aug. 18, 2011

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 17 cities or counties in eight provinces. In this report, ten practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 14 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Beijing] Mr. Li Zhenjiang Passes Away as a Result of Persecution
  2. [Dingxiang County, Shanxi Province] Mr. Dong Jianrong Arrested
  3. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Dejiang Detained in the Shandong Prison
  4. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Chuanfang from Beiyuanjie, Kuiwen District Arrested on July 22, 2011
  5. [Yantai, Shandong Province] The Guocheng Police Station Harassed Ms. Jiang Mingfang
  6. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Mr. Huang Qiang Taken to the Huaqiao Brainwashing Center
  7. [Jining, Shandong Province] Four Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested
  8. [Zaoyang, Hubei Province] Ms. Chen Li Sentenced
  9. [Xiangcheng, Henan Province] Ms. Li Caifeng Detained in the Xinxiang Women?s Prison
  10. [Shanghai] Mr. Hua Renfa Taken Away from the Tilanqiao Prison
  11. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Xiuyu Arrested
  12. [Zibo, Shandong Province] Ms. Guo Yunmei Sentenced to 21 Months in a Forced Labor Camp
  13. [Kangping, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Kui Arrested
  14. [Xianghe County, Hebei Province] Ms. Mu Baorong Arrested
  15. [Huangshi, Hubei Province] Ms. Xiong Xiaolin Arrested
  16. [Chongqing] Ms. Chen Qingbing and Mr. Zheng Xuegang Forced to Become Homeless
  17. [Yanshi, Henan Province] Ms. Liu Junfang Persecuted
  18. [Linyi, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Xiulian Arrested
  19. [Tianjin] Ms. Li Jingmin and Ms. Song Xiaoxia Still Detained

1. [Beijing] Mr. Li Zhenjiang Passes Away as a Result of Persecution

Mr. Li Zhenjiang from Zhoukoudian Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, was 59 years old. He was arrested by officers from the Fangshan 610 Office and sent to a forced labor camp in 2006. During the detention, he was deprived of sleep. He was tortured and restrained from using the toilet. As a result of persecution, his whole body became swollen and he could not take care of himself. He was released for medical treatment in November 2006.

After being released, Mr. Li restored his health by studying the Fa and practicing the Falun Gong exercises. He went out to talk to people about Falun Gong and distribute fliers.

Mr. Li Zhenjiang was arrested again in 2008. He was very weak and was sent to a hospital. He was later released for medical treatment. Since then, the police officers, Domestic Security agents, and personnel from the Procuratorate office, often went to his home and harassed him. As a result of persecution, Mr. Li passed away at the age of 59 on July 7, 2011.

2. [Dingxiang County, Shanxi Province] Mr. Dong Jianrong Arrested

Mr. Dong Jianrong was reported to police while he was talking to people about Falun Gong in a neighboring village at noon on July 28, 2011. Officers from the Shenshan Police Station took him away. The next day, Mr. Dong was transferred to the Dingxiang Domestic Security Team. The Domestic Security Team dispatched five officers to ransack his home. Mr. Dong is being detained in the Dingxiang Detention Center.

Shenshan Police Station: +86-350-6045110
Dingxiang Police Department: +86-350-6022665
Han Xinquan, chief of the Dingxing Domestic Security Team: +86-350-6021393, +86-13513503608
Yang Shiqing, warden of the Dingxiang Detention Center: +86-13935066187

3. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Dejiang Detained in the Shandong Prison

Mr. Li Dejiang was followed and arrested by officers from the Yaoshan Police Station on April 21, 2010. His home was also ransacked. The police confiscated two computers and three printers. The next morning, Mr. Li was sent to the Zhonggong Detention Center in Jinan. He was secretly sentenced to four years in prison on May 13, 2011. He is being detained in the Shandong Prison.

4. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Chuanfang from Beiyuanjie, Kuiwen District Arrested on July 22, 2011

5. [Yantai, Shandong Province] The Guocheng Police Station Harassed Ms. Jiang Mingfang

Three officers from the Guocheng Police Station in Haiyang, Yantai, broke into the home of Ms. Jiang Mingfang in Taicheng Village, Guocheng Town, at noon on July 28, 2011. They confiscated copies of the book Zhuan Falun, and other Falun Gong materials.

Guocheng Police Station: +86-535-3651038
Mayor's office in Guocheng Town: +86-535-3652668

6. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Mr. Huang Qiang Taken to the Huaqiao Brainwashing Center

Mr. Huang Qiang, 31, works in the Sichuan National Defense Technology Committee. He was arrested by officers from the Xinhonglu Police Station while talking to people about Falun Gong in Xinhua Park in the eastern suburb area on July 15, 2011. He was subsequently sent to the Huaqiao Brainwashing Center.

7. [Jining, Shandong Province] Four Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested

Four Falun Gong practitioners from Jining went to Jiaxiang County on motorcycles to clarify the truth about Falun Gong on July 16, 2011. They were blocked and arrested by the local police on their way. Ms. Liu Jing (48 years old), Ms. Song Furong (66 years old) and Ms. Liu Dali (in her forties), were taken to the Jining Detention Center. The other practitioner managed to walk away.

8. [Zaoyang, Hubei Province] Ms. Chen Li Sentenced

Ms. Chen Li was arrested by Zhao Changju, chief of the Yangdong Police Station, while distributing Falun Gong materials on September 13, 2010. She was detained in the Zaoyang First Detention Center. Ms. Chen was recently sentenced to four years in prison. The court did not notify her family of the trial.

Tian Yubin, dean of the Zaoyang Court: +86-710-6314121, +86-710-3517939, +86-13908678971
Yuan Bing, presiding judge: +86-13986305866
Zhao Qingkui, director of the 610 Office: +86-710-6241298, +86-710-6233466, +86-13886278466
Xie Yunliang, chief of the Zaoyang Domestic Security Division: +86-710-6227280, +86-13972055789

9. [Xiangcheng, Henan Province] Ms. Li Caifeng Detained in the Xinxiang Women’s Prison

42 year old Ms. Li Caifeng from Chengguang Town, Xiangcheng, was arrested by the Xiangcheng Police Department in November 2009. She was detained in the Xuchang County Detention Center and later secretly sentenced to three years in prison. She is being detained in the ninth division of the Xinxiang Women’s Prison.

10. [Shanghai] Mr. Hua Renfa Taken Away from the Tilanqiao Prison

Mr. Hua Renfa was illegally sentenced and detained in the seventh division of Tilanqiao Prison. His term was supposedly over on July 29, 2011, however he was taken away by personnel from the 610 Office and his whereabouts are currently unknown.

11. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Xiuyu Arrested

Ms. Wang Xiuyu, 71, is Mr. Zhang Chuanzheng’s mother-in-law and lives in Guojia Village, Fangzi District, Weifang. Both are Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Wang was arrested while talking to people about Falun Gong at noon on August 1, 2011.

12. [Zibo, Shandong Province] Ms. Guo Yunmei Sentenced to 21 Months in a Forced Labor Camp

13. [Kangping, Liaoning Province] Mr. Wang Kui Arrested

Mr. Wang Kui lives in Guanbao Village, Zhangqiang Town, Kangping. He was invited to go to Kezuohou Flag, Inner Mongolia and talk about Falun Gong. However, he was arrested by the local police when he arrived there around July 21, 2011. Officers from Kezuohou Flag and the Zhangqiang Police Station searched Mr. Wang’s home and confiscated Falun Dafa books and materials.

A Latan, chief of the Kezuohou Flag Domestic Security Division: +86-13604750287

14. [Xianghe County, Hebei Province] Ms. Mu Baorong Arrested

Ms. Mu Baorong, who is in her seventies, lives in Mengzhuang Village, Shuyang Town, Xianghe. She was arrested by police while distributing Falun Gong brochures on the morning of July 31, 2011. Her home was also ransacked and police confiscated Falun Dafa books. She was released after her family was extorted out of money.

15. [Huangshi, Hubei Province] Ms. Xiong Xiaolin Arrested

A group of people from the Huangshi State Security Bureau broke into the home of Ms. Xiong Xiaolin and confiscated her computer and other Falun Gong materials on the morning of August 1, 2011. Ms. Xiong was arrested.

Police department: +86-714-6539939, +86-714-6538894, +86-714-6538895
State Security Bureau: +86-714-6241110, +86-714-8711262, +86-13971750366
Tieshan Police Station: +86-714-5421500, +86-13707236239, +86-714-5381309

16. [Chongqing] Ms. Chen Qingbing and Mr. Zheng Xuegang Forced to Become Homeless

The Dazhu County 610 Office in Chongqing harassed Falun Gong practitioners in late July 2011. They threatened practitioners, coercing them to sign a document promising to give up practicing Falun Gong, or the practitioners would be sent to a brainwashing center. Ms. Cheng Qingbing and Mr. Zheng Xuegang, who are elementary school teachers in Sanqu Town, were forced to become homeless and destitute to avoid further persecution.

17. [Yanshi, Henan Province] Ms. Liu Junfang Persecuted

Ms. Liu Junfang was taken to a brainwashing session which is held in the Jindun Hotel in Yanshi on July 25, 2011.

Ms. Liu Junfang is about 60 years old. She was reported to police while distributing Falun Gong materials in April 2011. The Domestic Security Section extorted 3000 yuan from her and detained her for 15 days.

Han Guoqing, Party secretary of the Politics and Law Committee: +86-379-67732599, +86-379-65093693, +86-13837950007
Ma Hongliang, director of the 610 Office: +86-379-67786767, +86-379-67771588, +86-13838805688
Wang Yanhong, deputy director of the 610 Office: +86-379-67730810, +86-379-65092369, +86-13783173360

18. [Linyi, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Xiulian Arrested

Liu Huande, deputy director of the Yishui 610 Office, led a group of people to rush into the barber shop owned by Ms. Li Xiulian on the morning of August 1, 2011. Ms. Li was then taken to the Domestic Security Division for interrogation.

Ma Qingyou, Party secretary of the Politics and Law Committee: +86-13573936369
Yu Fujie, director of the Yishui 610 Office: +86-13953982818
Liu Huande, deputy director of the Yishui 610 Office: +86-13969982765
Song Wei, chief of the Domestic Security Division: +86-13705493366,+86-539-2233680

19. [Tianjin] Ms. Li Jingmin and Ms. Song Xiaoxia Still Detained

Ms. Li Jingmin and Ms. Song Xiaoxia were arrested by officers from the Changhong Police Station in Nankai on June 22, 2010. Their homes were also ransacked. The police confiscated Falun Dafa books, computers, printers, thousands of yuan in cash, etc. The two practitioners are still being detained in the Nankai Detention Center.

August 2, 2011