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Distributing Shen Yun DVDs in the Countryside

Aug. 18, 2011 |   By a Dafa Practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) One day in the fall, we traveled to a village. While we were waiting for the bus, we noticed some houses down the hill, so we decided to leave a copy of the Shen Yun DVD with them. When we looked up at one, a woman in her 50's or 60's looked at us through her window in a way that seemed to say “Please come!”

We climbed up the stone steps to her door and she came out to welcome us. We shared a copy of the Shen Yun DVD with her. When she saw it, she called her kids, neighbors and a few villagers who were repairing houses to come over. Suddenly a lot of people came.


The beautiful photos on the Shen Yun DVD inspired the villagers to pass the DVD around for others to watch.

We gave them the Shen Yun DVD and told them that it is about traditional Chinese culture and is a wonderful show touring the world.

They accepted the DVD gladly. Other people also asked for it. We told them we didn't bring enough copies and asked them to pass it around for others to watch.

One villager pulled on my fellow practitioner's bag and asked for the Shen Yun DVD again and again. Looking into his eager eyes, my fellow practitioner returned to the waiting place, and brought back a few more truth clarification DVDs to give to the villagers. They all happily accepted them.


A Miao woman who received a Shen Yun DVD invited us
to her home for a short visit.

"Come again!"

The Miao woman who accepted the DVD held the practitioner's hand and didn't want to let go. She invited us to her home for a visit, but we didn't have time since we had to catch the bus. As we left, people said good-bye to us and invited us to come again.

When we looked back, the villagers were still immersed in joy.

When we returned to the roadside, the bus we had been waiting for arrived at that very moment, as if it were pre-arranged. It seemed that we had waited for thousands of years just for this moment.

(Note: We felt very emotional as we quickly took these pictures during that day. It was inspiring to discover a few Faluns in the photos. Master arranged the path for us to save sentient beings. All we need to do is follow it, reach out our hands, and do it. We thank Master for His infinite grace and mercy to sentient beings.)