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Master Brings Predestined People to Me

Aug. 19, 2011 |   By a practitioner from Shanghai

(Clearwisdom.net) I had only been practicing for a few months when the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, and was persecuted several times because I did not have a solid understanding of the Fa.

In 2003, I was sent to prison for three years. When I refused to renounce my belief, officials from the prison and the court threatened and harassed my husband and his family. My husband could not bear the threats and filed for a divorce. The court authorized the divorce without my consent, and officers from the local 610 Office went to the village where I was brought up and spread rumors that I did not care about my husband or children, and that I had left them to practice Falun Gong.

Breaking through tribulations involving my family

After I was released from prison I had nowhere to go, so I went back to my parents' home. However, people from the village condemned me because they believed the rumors that were spread about me. My parents were very sad and my brother didn’t want me to stay there. They did not allow me to do the exercises or go outside. I knew that I must save these sentient beings and fulfill my sacred vows.

When I tried to go out one time, my parents tried to stop me. I sat down with them and told them about all the positive changes that had happened to me since I started practicing Falun Gong. I spoke about how my illnesses had disappeared and that my character improved, and I mentioned about the money I had loaned to my sisters and brothers to help them buy houses, and that I had paid off my mother's huge medical expenses by myself. I then explained how the authorities persecute good people, and that it was them that threw me into prison. Then I told them that I have a responsibility to let people know the facts about the persecution and Falun Gong.

My parents were shocked after listening to me. My mother agreed that I had become a better person She said, “Your Master has taught you well. I have to say that Dafa is good. I support you but I do not want to see you persecuted.” I was then allowed to study the Fa and do the exercises at home, and go out to clarify the facts.

An old friend, who I had known from middle school, came to visit me one day. Since she had heard the rumors about me and believed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda about Falun Gong. She came with the intention of convincing me to stop the practice. After I told her the facts about the persecution, she gladly withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

When a neighbor, who is also a Christian, expressed her concerns to my mother about my talking to people about Falun Gong, my mother replied, “If people opposed Christianity, what would you do?” After diligent efforts, many people in my village came to learn the facts about Falun Gong.

Saving sentient beings at work

A friend helped me to find a job. When I started, all of my coworkers knew that a practitioner had been hired. I knew that they were paying special attention to my words and actions, so I did not clarify the facts to them at the first. I concentrated on doing my job well and treated the people around me compassionately.

I shared a small office with a person that was selfish and had a bad temper. Others in the company did not like her. I treated her as a sentient being to be saved and was nice to her. I helped her and also shared my understandings when she told me about her family issues. She appreciated my help and saw the beauty of Dafa. She even read Zhuan Falun.

I was later moved to a new position where I was responsible for selling lunch tickets. I understood that this was Master's arrangement so that I could save more sentient beings. I told everyone that bought lunch tickets from me about Falun Gong. I spoke with wisdom and according to their personal situation. If they did not want to withdraw from CCP, I did not get upset. Instead, I just talked to them again the next time we met. I treated everyone kindly and always thought of others first. Most of the people in the company had quit the CCP within a year of my working there.

Clarifying the facts

Master again arranged for me to move to a different place. There was a high population in this area, but not many practitioners there. I realized that many of the people here did not know the facts about Falun Gong.

When I went to the market one day to clarify the facts to people, a lady who was selling vegetables called me over. I talked to her and her customers about the persecution, and asked them if they would like to quit the CCP. They happily agreed. Before I left, I told the lady to remember “Falun Dafa is good.” She thanked me and took some truth clarification materials from me to pass on to her customers.

I then moved along to another stall, where the girl there had some misunderstandings about Falun Gong. I told her that the CCP's stories about Falun Gong were lies and that the self-immolation on Tiananmen Square was staged, and spoke about how the CCP has a history of violence and class struggle. She began to understand and wanted to quit the CCP for her and her family. She also said that she would recite “Falun Dafa is good” everyday.

The lady who was selling vegetables later came over to me and asked me to talk to another lady. That lady looked very ill. After I spoke to her about Falun Gong, she took some truth-clarification materials from me. I moved around the market to talk to more and more people.

When I took a taxi one time, the driver was a lady that had never join the CCP, and had previously been involved with confrontations with the traffic police. I told her the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance and encouraged her to let more people now about the Fa.

Another time, I took a taxi to visit a friend. The driver was a disabled senior citizen. He told me that he did not receive many benefits from the government after he retired from the military. He and several of his friends went to the police station to withdraw from the CCP, but they would not help them. I told him that I could help them withdraw. He was very excited and wrote down their names for me.

Master brings predestined people to us to be saved, as all sentient beings are eagerly waiting for us to save them.