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Colorado Practitioners Demonstrate the Beauty of Falun Dafa at the Boulder Asian Festival (Photos)

Aug. 19, 2011 |   By a Colorado Falun Gong practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioners from Colorado shared the beauty of Falun Dafa at the 17th Annual Boulder Asian Festival, August 13-14, 2011, in Boulder, Colorado.

Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate Falun Gong exercises at the 17th Annual Boulder Asian Festival.

The event took place in the heart of downtown Boulder. The city, just north of the state capital of Denver, is a diverse cultural center, and home to the University of Colorado.

A team of local practitioners took to the event stage Saturday afternoon to put on an exercise demonstration for a crowd of festival spectators. Dressed in golden exercise suits, the group demonstrated the movements of Falun Dafa's five exercises, moving together as one.

Observers were struck by the graceful beauty and tranquility of the display. “That was so peaceful!”, “Beautiful!” spectators exclaimed as they attentively watched the demonstration. Some approached practitioners afterward to learn the exercises, receive information and flyers, and inquire about the practice and local exercise sites.

Local practitioners of all ages and backgrounds, Chinese, Asian and Westerners, participated in supporting the two-day festival.

Vivian Lam is a local coordinator for the Colorado Falun Dafa Association. “It's great that we were able to participate in the festival,” Lam said. “Showing the beauty of the practice and talking with people really helps them, and the community, understand what Falun Dafa is about.”