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Only If We Cultivate Ourselves Well Can We Save More Sentient Beings

Aug. 19, 2011 |   By practitioner from Jilin Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Since I obtained Dafa, I have been surrounded by a field of happiness. I have become healthier, and my family and work environments have become more harmonious compared to the past. Some of my relatives who don't practice Falun Dafa recovered from their illnesses after reciting “Falun Dafa is good.” I know that all of this is because of the Fa, and the merciful care and salvation of Master.

I obtained the Fa after July 20, 1999. Under fellow practitioners' guidance, I studied Master's earlier lectures and scriptures. I came to understand that the real purpose of being human is to return to our origin and to fulfill our responsibilities here. Our biggest wish is to cultivate ourselves well and to save sentient beings. No matter how many truth-clarifying materials I have, I make sure to send all of them out every day. No matter how long or far I have to walk, I don't feel tired.

Sometimes when I am out on business and have some spare time, I go out to distribute truth-clarifying materials with fellow practitioners. These truth-clarifying materials are our weapons to help Master rectify the Fa. Each time, I communicate with the materials and give them positive energy, to make sure that the people who receive them will be saved, and at the same time to destroy all evil factors that might interfere with people coming to know the truth.

Every day on my way to work, I put truth-clarifying materials on people's seats. I speak to people who have a predestined relationship, telling them how Dafa has spread around the world, how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutally persecutes practitioners, and I persuade them to quit the Party and its affiliated organizations.

As I persuaded people to quit the CCP, I eliminated a lot of attachments. If I had studied the Fa less, people wouldn't quit because my state was not good. If I didn't hold enough kindness, or took persuading people to quit the CCP as a task, people wouldn't quit either. Recently, I found that when I was clarifying the truth, I always tried to finish in haste. I pushed people to quit the CCP before I was able to make them fully understand why. This is a sacred mission, and only by cultivating ourselves well and studying the Fa well can we save sentient beings.

Sometimes I regarded the three things as a task, and so I felt relieved because every day I did the 5 exercises, studied the Fa, sent forth righteous thoughts at least 7 times, and clarified the truth. Since I didn't solidly cultivate myself, for a long time, I couldn't concentrate when I studied the Fa and couldn't really have people accept the truth. Master's “Be More Diligent” and “Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference” awakened me. After so many years of cultivation, I still didn't know how to look within. I looked within and found human thoughts buried deeply inside. Because I was retiring soon, I thought that I didn't care about fame and money. Last year, I was entitled to have a position as senior engineer, however, because my unit had no openings for that position, I couldn't be promoted. Some others at the company weren't promoted either, but they were younger them me and would have opportunities later. However, because I was retiring soon, I would never have another opportunity. I didn't voice my thoughts, nor did I take any action, but the thoughts were buried deeply in my mind. I tried to suppress them, but they often surfaced because I didn't eliminate it.

When I was studying the Fa, I read the following:

“as a practitioner should follow the course of nature. If something is yours, you will not lose it. If something is not yours, you will not have it even if you fight for it. Of course, that is not absolute. If it were as absolute as that, there would not be the issue of committing wrongdoing. In other words, there are some unstable factors. But as a practitioner, you are in principle protected by Teacher’s fashen. Others cannot take away what is yours, even if they want to. We therefore believe in following the course of nature. Sometimes, you think that something should be yours, and others also tell you that it is yours. Actually, it is not. You may believe that it is yours, but in the end it is not yours. Through this, it can be seen whether you can give it up. If you cannot let it go, it is an attachment. This method must be used to get rid of your attachment to self-interest. This is the issue. Because everyday people are not enlightened to this principle, they will all compete and fight before profits.” (Zhuan Falun)

It sounded like this passage was directed right at me. I reread this paragraph several times and my attachment to self-interest was gone immediately. When you realize you have an attachment and decide that you don't want it, then the attachment will have nowhere to hide. As long as you want to eliminate the attachment, Master will remove the material substance for you. After I eliminated the deeply buried attachment of self-interest, I felt relieved. I dug deeper and fount that it was selfishness -- whatever I encountered, I only thought of protecting my own interest, and protecting myself from being hurt. Master said,

“a person’s earliest life comes from the universe. The space of the universe is benevolent to begin with and embodies the characteristic of Zhen-Shan-Ren. At birth, one is assimilated to the characteristic of the universe.” (Zhuan Falun)

On the cultivation path of Fa-rectification, I will definitely follow Master's teachings, be a true practitioner, and not leave regrets on my mission.

This is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.