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Some Thoughts on “The Heart Being Unaffected” and “Inaction”

Aug. 20, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) In regard to the rumors concerning the death of the evil head, Jiang Zemin, in China, practitioners have different understandings about “the heart being unaffected” and “inaction.” Practitioners act differently based on their different cultivation states and understandings. I would say that a practitioner's cultivation state is a reflection and manifestation of higher level beings in this lowest dimension.

I have come to a deeper understanding of what Teacher said in Zhuan Falun,

“Without human action happening under cosmic changes, such conditions would not have been brought to ordinary human society, and neither would they be called cosmic changes.” (Zhuan Falun)

As Dafa disciples, we all know that Teacher is rectifying the Fa and that disciples are assisting Teacher. It is irrelevant whether Jiang is dead or alive or on the verge of dying. We practitioners know the true situation best, and we know his fate is inevitable. More importantly, the current situation shows that Teacher's Fa rectification has progressed tremendously and that saving sentient beings is truly urgent. This is what we practitioners can understand and it is also a manifestation of cosmic changes manifesting in the human world. The evil factors and forces no longer have the ability to prop up the human skin of the evil head. From another point of view, it has been utilized to the last bit. As practitioners have become mature, that evil thing has become irrelevant.

Through so many years of cultivation, practitioners have matured and many have achieved the state where their hearts are truly unaffected. Instead of being swayed by hearsay, practitioners are making use of the opportunity to open up people's hearts and minds in order to save them. Practitioners are not affected by any superficial appearance and do not have any false hopes for the CCP. We are the leading actors in this splendid play, and we are the sentient beings' only hope for salvation. I think this is the true meaning of “the heart being unaffected.” However, when trying to decide what to do, we practitioners should be clear. How do we cultivate ourselves? What is assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification? How can we harmonize with what Teacher wants? We should look to the Minghui website (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom) as Teacher has said. We also need to think about it based on the Fa. There are no trivial things in our cultivation, and this situation certainly cannot be considered irrelevant to our cultivation.

Practitioners living in China still have some human notions rooted in Communist Party culture that should be eliminated. However, some may not be fully aware of this and some may have misunderstandings about those human notions. Some practitioners say that their hearts are unmoved, but, in fact, they are covering up their human attachments and don't do anything to clarify the truth to people about the situation of Falun Dafa. Some evaluate the trustworthiness of the news source and think, “What if the evil head did not really die and will come back to life?” leading these practitioners to become inactive or passive in their truth clarification work. They have forgotten what Teacher said in Zhuan Falun about mind and matter being one thing. Sometimes they even refuse to spread the message, “Buy fireworks and set off fireworks.” They have not realized that the purpose of promoting this message is to break the shell that is preventing ordinary people from knowing the truth, and that doing this is giving ordinary people another opportunity to be saved before the Fa rectifies the human world.

From yet another point of view, we really do not need to hear the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled media broadcast such news in order to know that it is true. When has the CCP controlled media ever told the truth? It seems that practitioners' psychological inclination toward the CCP's media is a reflection of our cultivation state. When one practitioner thinks this way, and a then second thinks this way, and later a large number of practitioners think this way, it will become an obstacle to the progress of the Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings. Teacher said,

“I have said before that nobody could persecute this Fa, and that a negative impact can only come about by Dafa disciples failing to do well.” ("Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference")

We must be clear that some negative incidents in the past few years that should not have happened were a result of loopholes in our cultivation being taken advantage of by the dark minions and rotten ghosts. We must not let our attachments become an excuse for becoming passive and apathetic today. If we leave even a tiny bit of space in our minds for the evil to exist, the evil head will persevere and refuse to die. Isn't it still in existence because of our loopholes?

I also find that some practitioners think that the message, “Buy fireworks and set off fireworks” is only for ordinary people and irrelevant to practitioners. Others cannot promote it openly because they have the attachment of fear. Yet some practitioners have openly bought fireworks and, on the way home from the store, have used them as an opportunity to answer questions from ordinary people without any problems. By explaining why they are buying fireworks, practitioners can save those who ask about them. Many of the people we talk to say, “That is a good thing. I will also go light fireworks.” This is, in fact, spreading the righteous field and reducing the evil factors in other dimensions, thereby helping to bring about the cosmic changes in this human world. When such a person sets off fireworks because of this, isn't that person being saved?

Therefore, a cultivator's maturity results in “the heart not being affected,” which is a completely different concept from the inaction that results from a cultivator's passiveness, slacking off, apathy, and human notions. To eliminate these obstacles in cultivation one should look within, examine one's own xinxing, rectify one's shortcomings, and ascend to one's original highest position.

The above sharing is based on my limited personal cultivation level. Please point out anything improper or falling short of the Fa.