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Cooperation of the Whole Body Needed to Rescue Fellow Practitioners

Aug. 20, 2011 |   By Gongxue, a Falun Gong practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) At the beginning of 2011, two practitioners in my city were illegally arrested while distributing Shen Yun DVDs. They were taken away by township police station officers and subsequently incarcerated in the detention center. When we heard the news, we immediately informed the practitioners in the whole city to intensify sending forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate the evil factors behind the persecution. With cooperation from within the whole body, the power of Dafa was manifested.

1. Publishing details about the police officers who participated in the persecution

Some practitioners collected personal data on the police officers who participated in the arrests, including the name, position and contact numbers of everyone involved. They also obtained photographs of the police station chief, deputy-chief, and wardens. They posted this information on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. The reports included the contact numbers and address of the city police station, 610 Office and detention centers.

2. Using different ways to clarify the truth

The Clearwisdom website published the reports very quickly. Based on facts of the persecution suffered by the two practitioners, we edited and made a local truth clarification newsletter. The practitioners in other areas cooperated by sending short text messages to spread the news. Local practitioners distributed the truth clarification newsletter, letters that encouraged the people who participated in the persecution to repent, and other informational materials. They also put up banners and increased the intensity and duration of sending forth righteous thoughts. In the local newsletter, we published the photo of the police station chief who headed up the arrests. We distributed the newsletters in the areas surrounding the police station and put up posters. This stunned the authorities. The family members of the victims also cooperated and went to the police station to demand the release of the practitioners. The overseas practitioners and local Chinese practitioners also supported the effort immensely. The tone of those involved in the persecution started to soften. They finally started avoiding us and tried to push the responsibility for their actions onto others.

3. Letting more people understand the truth from this incident

The two practitioners had still not been released after some time, but we were not moved. Our only wish was to help save sentient beings. The more important purpose was to let more people understand the truth about Falun Gong through this opportunity. When people see the true colors of the evil CCP, they will be saved. The two practitioners did not cooperate with the evil when they were in the detention center. They persisted in doing the exercises. The police officers in the detention center all came to understand the truth about Falun Gong.

A few days later, one of the practitioners was released. The other practitioner was still incarcerated. On the pretext that the practitioner did not renounce his belief, the evildoers issued an arrest warrant and plotted to sentence him to prison. But this practitioner had strong righteous thoughts. When he was sent to the detention center, he developed symptoms of an illness.

During this time, two more elderly practitioners were illegally arrested and incarcerated by another police station. We immediately went to the township to collect the personal information of the police station chief, deputy-chief, and wardens. Along the way, we also collected personal data on the main person in charge and most of the personnel from the township where the arrests took place. The situation of the practitioners who were being detained was also collected very quickly.

We sorted the information in a night and the report was published on Clearwisdom in a timely way. The report exposed the crimes of those who participated in the persecution. In a few days, one of the elderly practitioners was released.

4. Reporting regular updates on the incident

We continually made and distributed local newsletters to give updates on the persecution. The overseas practitioners also helped to make regular phone calls, send short text messages, and mail letters to encourage those involved in the persecution to repent.

The health of the practitioner whom the police had issued an arrest warrant for became worse in the detention center. In the end, they had no choice but to release this practitioner. That same day, the remaining elderly practitioner was also released.

5. The power of whole body cooperation

Our local group managed to rescue the four detained practitioners. We could see the immense power of whole body cooperation.

Each time something bad happened, it exposed the loopholes that we had in our cultivation. But it was also an opportunity for our whole body to cooperate and improve.

We had this mindset: “We are the disciples of Master Li. We do not acknowledge any persecution, so we will let people know the facts and expose the crimes of the evil authorities. In this way we can help to save the sentient beings and government officials in our area. We will continue to use different methods to let others know the truth about Falun Gong. If the incarcerated practitioners are not released, we will persist in our efforts to expose the crimes of the persecutors and let more people know the facts. If we can handle future matters in this way, the persecution cannot go on.”

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