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My Experience Asking People to Quit the CCP To Secure a Better Future for Themselves

Aug. 20, 2011 |   By Wang Hui, a practitioner from Guizhou Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I have practiced Falun Dafa since 1996. My family eventually moved into the provincial capital. Soon I got involved in telling people the facts and persuading people to quit the CCP. I started with my family and relatives and gradually extended it to anyone I meet.

Once I tried to convince one of my old friends to quit the party. Knowing her for years, I was confident she would listen to me. I began our conversion by going straight to the point - that she should resign from the communist party as soon as possible. I listed many facts of the party's evil acts. To my surprise, she not only did not accept the facts, but also got angry by kicking me out of her home. I felt mistreated. I tried to do her a favor, and she did not appreciate it at all. Master said, "This instant is precious beyond measure. Completing the last leg of this journey well is what's most magnificent." ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago" 2005)

I understand the sense of urgency to offer more people salvation. I have rearranged my time to do the three things after my retirement. My day starts with memorizing Zhuan Falun or Master’s other lectures in the morning. In the afternoon I go out and speak with people on street, in a park or at a bus station. I send righteous thoughts before I speak with people about quitting the party. I have done this for years, rain or shine. I would like to list a few.

I met a little girl on a street, greeted her and asked why she did not go to school during school hours. She told me that she lost her vision and could not see and study. A fourth-grader suddenly lost her vision last year and had to quit school! She sought treatment, but there was no improvement. Now the family had no money for her treatment. I told her resign from CCP's Young Pioneers since it would do nothing but damage her soul. She did so without hesitation. I also asked her to repeat, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” She was devout and seriously repeated the phrase a few times, to make sure she would remember the words well.

I met her again two months later. She had already regained partial vision. Her family was particularly impressed and invited me to their home. I then spoke with the whole family about Falun Gong and the persecution. All her family members quit the party organizations. This little girl eventually went back to school. Her recovery had made a great impact on their friends. A lot of people approached me to quit the party.

During the past two years I frequently went to a university to tell students the facts. I saw a sad-looking young man sitting next to the stadium by himself. I went over. He told me he came from Sichuan, had lost his father in the Wenchuan earthquake. Now his grandfather and mother were at home. He had never been back home since he began studying at the university. He bought a ticket to go home this summer, but his family didn’t want him to come home for safety reasons. He didn't go home as planned, and was homesick and in no mood to study.

Our conversation told me he was a Party member. I told him the killing history of the evil party. He was pretty convinced and mentioned that his cousin was killed by a gunshot during the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4, 1989. He went on to say that his whole family were Party members. I told him that because of their involvement with the party, his family had experienced much misfortune and that they should consider quitting the party. He was touched and felt much relaxed after our conversation. He said would buy a ticket to home, and ask his family and friends to quit the party.

That same day, on the other side of campus, I saw a young man and young woman chatting, sitting on a stone bench. I went over and chatted with them. From the conversation I knew that the girl was a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry, and the boy had already graduated. Both were party members. I told them of the worldwide movement of quitting the party. I also told them that the “Tiananmen self-immolation incident" was staged. They listened carefully. I encouraged them to quit the party.

Then the young man suddenly changed his attitude and claimed, "I am police officer and was in charge of Falun Gong.” I was shocked, but soon regained my righteous thought, that I was here to offer people salvation. Master said, “The old forces don't dare to oppose our clarifying the truth or saving sentient beings. What's key is to not let them take advantage of the gaps in your state of mind when you do things.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston”)

I said to him, “I do not care what you do. I am here to rescue you,” while I sent righteous thoughts. Soon the student laughed and agreed to quit the party. He was grateful when he left and thanked me for what I had done for him.

Another time I met two elementary school children at a place not far from my home. I had them quit party's Young Pioneers.

I felt complacent over my occasional success. My approach worked for two more days. Surprisingly, I met those two kids again a couple of days later. Their parents accused me of being a liar. I tried to explain, but they would not listen. Instead, they grew more verbally abusive. It seemed that it was very difficult to change their minds at once. I had to leave temporarily.

Returning back home, looking inwards, I found the problem: a mentality of seeking a quota. I had an attachment to the joy of success. Master said, "Wherever a problem occurs, that's where you need to clarify the facts." ("Explaining the Fa during the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference")

Having realized the problem, I made an effort to open the knot in the minds of the two children's parents. One weekend afternoon I happened to encounter the two children with their parents at a park. I took the initiative to greet them and told them the information about Falun Dafa and the staged "Tiananmen self-immolation incident." They finally understood the truth. Finally, the families and children solemnly quit the party organizations. This incident made me understand the seriousness of our rescue efforts.

Offing people salvation must not be done too hastily, nor must we seek a quota. We should send righteous thoughts every single time. After several years of experiences, the effect is getting better.

Master told us, "Saving sentient beings is first and foremost. Just try to save more and more people."

("Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference")

We should quickly abandon our attachments and fulfill our obligations so that we could offer more people salvation.