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Recent Unlawful Acts Committed by the Pengshan City 610 Office and Domestic Security Division

Aug. 20, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Sichuan Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Since June 2011, officers from the Pengshan City 610 Office in Sichuan and the Domestic Security Division have stepped up their persecution of practitioners.

Many innocent people's homes have been broken into during the Communist regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong. Below are listed some incidents that illustrate this.

On June 1, He Tong was seized and her home ransacked. Currently, she is still detained in Meishan Detention Center.

On June 13, Cao Chunhua and Zhou Xiaoli from Wuyang Village were seized in Jinjiang Village. Their homes were ransacked, and they were detained and sent to a forced labor camp.

The same day, the homes of three practitioners from Wuyang Village—Jia Xianfeng, Ran, and Wu—were ransacked. About seven police officers from Pengshan City Domestic Security Division were dispatched to each practitioner's home just to harass innocent people.

On July 4, police from Pengshan City arrested a primary schoolteacher in Pengshan, Ms. Li Qinyin, and ransacked her home. Later on, they took her to Meishan Detention Center.

On July 7, the home of Ms. Li Qinyin's younger sister, Li Xuelian, was also ransacked. Ms Li and her husband were taken to the county's detention center and interrogated. Ms. Li Xuelian was forced to sign a statement promising to give up her spiritual belief before they were released.

On the evening of July 7, Mr. Xu Jianhua, who works at Pengshan County Second Secondary School was arrested. His home ransacked and he was taken to Meishan Detention Center.

The perpetrators of these unlawful acts were officers from the Domestic Security Division Fu Yan, Yang Huafu, Xie Dequan, Xu Shuan, Hu Xianwen, Pan Wei, and Zeng Yongqiang. These deeds were mostly committed at night and the officers were dressed in plainclothes. They did not drive police cars, show any documents, or follow legal procedures. These people broke into the practitioners' homes.In some instances, they even broke the door to force their way in, plundering personal belongings such as cash, cell phones, and computers.

Since April 2007, six practitioners from Pengshan City were sentenced to imprisonment. They are Chen Guojian, Deng Jiangang, Wang Menglin, Jiang Xiantao, Wang Yuru, and Peng Xueying.

Five of them were sentenced to forced labor: Zhang Yue, He Tong, Chen Shujun, Cao Chunhua, and Zhou Xiaoli.

Ten of them were detained: Wang Zejun, He Tianlin, Li Quntang, Xu Jianhua (detained twice), Wang Menglin, Chen Shujun, Zhang Xiuying, Hu Defang, Li Xuelian and her husband, Mou Guiming, who is not a practitioner.

Thirteen people had their homes ransacked and were harassed: Xu Jianhua (twice), Bi, Hu Xuewen, Wei Zhongyuan, Zhao, Wan Suqun, Xiang Folan, Cheng Jiying (twice), He Tianlin, He Tong, Wuyang village Jia Xianfeng, Cao Chunhua, Zhou Xiaoli, Ran, and Wu.

Mr. Wang Menglin is in his 70s. He was sentenced to two years imprisonment. Upon his release, he lost his job and pension. Consequently he leads a hard life.

Mr. Chen Guojian was sentenced to five years in prison and his wife left him, taking their child. He has an elderly mother who is blind with no one to take care of her.

Ms. Peng Xueying was sentenced to three years in prison. Her husband, who was paralyzed from a work accident, passed away in 2010. She was not there when he died.

Mr. Deng Jiangang was sentenced to five years imprisonment after being arrested at night on February 21, 2008. This was his third arrest. He was already weak from past torture and severely ill. The prison refused to accept him and he was taken back to Pengshan. However, officer Fuyan refused to release him. He went to the provincial city and filed a report with his superiors, who exerted pressure on the prison to accept Mr. Deng. Consequently, Mr. Deng was forcefully taken to Maping Prison despite his severe illness.

Deng Jiangang's wife, Ms. Jiang Xiantao, was seized with him. She was sentenced to three years in prison, leaving an adolescent daughter alone at home. Both their parents are getting on in age and are grieving over their arrest. A happy, normal family was destroyed and traumatized by the regime's persecution.