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Mr. Zheng Lijun from Wangqing County, Jilin Province Illegally Sentenced to Ten Years of Prison

Aug. 21, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Jilin Province, China

Name: Zheng Lijun (郑立军)
Gender: Male
Age: 40s
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Former Tianqiaoling Forestry Bureau employee
Date of Most Recent Arrest: March 4, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Wangqing County Detention Center (汪清县看守所)
City: Tumen
Province: Jilin
Persecution Suffered: Sleep deprivation, home ransacked, forced labor, illegal sentencing, beatings, imprisonment, torture, interrogation, detention

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Zheng Lijun from Wangqing County, Jilin Province was arrested in early March 2011, then interrogated and tortured. He was recently illegally sentenced to a ten-year prison term.

Mr. Zheng has been subjected to frequent threats and intimidation for remaining steadfast in his belief. He often lived away from home to avoid persecution. He was arrested on March 4, 2011 at practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaohua's home in Shixian Town, Tumen City.

It has been learned that Tumen City Domestic Security Division head Zhou Hong and other officers tortured Mr. Zheng and Ms. Liu during the interrogation. The perpetrators broke Mr. Zheng's legs. In order to cover up their brutality, they secretly sent him to the Wangqing County Detention Center. Ms. Liu, also greatly wounded, was secretly sent to Changchun Prison. Officials refused to admit her because of her serious condition. Tumen City Political and Judicial Committee officials refused to release Ms. Liu to have her injuries treated; instead, they sent her to the Anshan Detention Center in Tumen City.

Mr. Zheng recovered from torture-induced injuries after having been held for more than one month. Only then did Wangqing County Domestic Security Division officers allow his family to visit him. His physical condition was poor, and he walked unsteadily. He felt some nausea and retched. Mr. Zheng's son is a high-school student. While appealing to rescue his father, he was subjected to police threats, intimidation and discrimination from people who haven't become aware of the evil nature of the persecution.

Recently, a Wangqing County Court illegally sentenced Mr. Zheng to ten years of imprisonment, on the charge of “Hindering law enforcement.” A Tumen City Court scheduled a trial for Ms. Liu Xiaohua on August 9, and has allowed her family to hire a lawyer within ten days; otherwise, the court will designate a lawyer for her.

Mr. Zheng has been arrested several times and was imprisoned in a forced labor camp for two years. During his detention, he suffered various torture methods. After being released, he was forced to become homeless in 2010 to avoid further persecution. He lived in seclusion in Shixian Town.

Mr. Zheng's wife died in a car accident in 2006. His 17-year-old son has dropped out of school because of his father's arrest. Due to harassment and intimidation, he has had a difficult life.

Related personnel in Tumen City:

Political and Judiciary Committee head Li Shunji: +86-433-3661010, +86-433-3659595 (home)

Domestic Security Division head Wu Jilong: +86-13904465073 (cell), +86-13944716667 (cell), +86-433-3699300 (office), +86-433-3669979
Deputy head Zhou Hong: +86-13704330915 (cell), +86-433-3698147 (office), +86-433-3663393 (home)

For more people involved in the persecution, please refer to the original Chinese article.