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Toronto, Canada: Rally Supporting the More Than 100 Million People Who Have Quit the CCP (Photos)

Aug. 21, 2011 |   By Linghui Ye and Yun Zhang, Clearwisdom correspondents

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 13, 2011, a rally was held in downtown Toronto to celebrate the more than 100 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

Rally held in downtown Toronto to celebrate the more than 100 million withdrawals from the CCP

The rally started at 11:30 a.m. Seven guest speakers gave speeches, followed by performances by practitioners. Some spectators renounced the CCP on the spot. Afterwards, at 1 p.m., a grand march wound through the downtown area and Chinatown.

Michael Craig, Chair of the China Rights Network, commends Falun Gong practitioners for their delivery of the facts to Chinese people

Michael Craig, Chair of the China Rights Network and member of Amnesty International, said in his speech that in July 1999, the CCP made an absolutely stupid decision: to persecute Falun Gong. Practitioners are a group of people following the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. There is no organizational structure and they have no political purpose to change government. They are a group of people requesting freedom of belief and practice.

He said, “I admire The Epoch Times, NTDTV, and Sound of Hope radio station.” They are media outlets Canadians can trust. The CCP controls all media in China and influences Chinese media outside China. So Falun Gong practitioners are important in bringing the facts to the Chinese people.

Clement Rodrigo, a leader in the South Asian Community in Toronto, commends Falun Gong practitioners.

Clement Rodrigo, a leader in the South Asian Community in Toronto, said in his speech that Falun Gong practitioners were enthusiastically bringing the facts to all people. Their effort is touching. He said he met some Falun Gong practitioners who had been imprisoned in China, “I was inspired by them.”

“After the facts spread, evil cannot exist for long.” said Rodrigo. He was proud of Falun Gong practitioners.

Su Ming, a political commentator, said that currently more corruption is seen in the CCP and it is causing more indignation among people. He said, “The Communist movement around the world has done two things in its history of more than 90 years: provide negatives for society and dig a grave for itself.

He said that the more than 100 million withdrawals is “a great victory against an enemy to human beings.”

Practitioner Ms. Zhao and her mother from Heilongjiang Province started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. She said, “Before practicing Falun Gong, I was weak with many illnesses. My mother had problems in her neck, bronchitis, coronary heart disease and a variety of gynecological diseases. After practicing Falun Gong, my mom and I both became healthy. My parents improved their relationship. Later, my neighbor admired, ‘Your home is great. Laughter is heard from the time you get up. We wake up every morning to the sound of laughter from your home.’ My mother introduced the practice to friends and relatives. They all have good comments to give. My grandfather also recovered from his bronchitis.

“On July 20, 1999, the persecution started. My mother was taken away and sent to forced labor camps several times. On September 25, 2008, she was sent to Harbin Women's Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labor Camp for a two-year term. In the labor camp, guards forced practitioners to renounce their belief and do labor overtime. Many practitioners were tortured.

“The persecution has now lasted for more than 12 years. Police still harass my family occasionally and monitor our phones. The CCP’s persecution is a violation of basic human rights.”

Huang Shan, who had advanced lymphoma, narrates his experience of practicing Falun Gong

Chinese student Huang Shan, in his 20s, had advanced lymphoma. Fortunately, he found Falun Gong and became a practitioner. Now he is healthy and has no tumors in his body. He narrated his experience of practicing Falun Gong.

He said, “I hope my sharing can help more people learn the facts and ignore the CCP’s lies. Here I solemnly declare that I have quit the CCP’s affiliated Young Pioneers.”