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Germany: Public Support for Falun Gong on Information Day (Photos)

Aug. 21, 2011

(Clearwisdom.net) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s brutal persecution of Falun Gong has lasted for more than twelve years. To stop the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners around the world spread the facts to the public in various ways, exposing the CCP's atrocities. On August 13, 2011 practitioners in Heilbronn and Leipzig held Information Day activities.

Information Day at Heilbronn

People sign to protest the persecution on information day in Heilbronn

On August 13, Falun Gong practitioners from southern Germany held an Information Day at the Kilianplatz of Heilbronn, telling the local residents about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and exposing the CCP’s crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Practitioners built an information stand at Kilianplatz in downtown, telling passers-by about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China.

Having learned the facts, a local resident signed a petition form in hopes of helping to stop the persecution. Before leaving, he pinned a paper lotus flower to his shirt and said: "I wish you success."

Another elderly gentleman chatted with practitioners for a long time. He said: "A lot of people these days do not care about other people or about morals. I think the words Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance on your banner are very well put." He also signed the petition form.

Having accepted a leaflet and before practitioners could start talking about the CCP’s atrocities of organ harvesting, a lady said, "Ah, I already know about this." Then she walked straight to the stand to sign the petition form.

Information Day at Leipzig

Information stand in Leipzig

On August 13, in Leipzig, the second largest city of the eastern German State of Sachsen, Falun Gong practitioners held an Information Day with the theme of "Supporting 100 million Chinese people quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations and marking twelve years of protesting the persecution".

As one of Germany's most famous cities, Leipzig attracts large numbers of tourists every July and August. The Information Day’s venue, Augustusplatz, was a must-see tourist hotspot. Chinese tourists saw Falun Gong banners hung around the information stand and received leaflets from practitioners. Some quietly listened to the practitioners' explanation, some stopped to watch, and some nodded with a smile to acknowledge that they had learned the facts.

Over the course of the day, several Chinese tourists declared their desire to quit the CCP. Some students from mainland China also expressed their support for people quitting the CCP.

One student kept nodding while listening to the practitioner’s explanation. He said it was the first time he had heard about quitting the CCP, but he was more than happy to consider it. He said that he would also pass this piece of information to his family and friends back in China.

A few Chinese tourists who appeared to be officials were taking photographs at the attractions near the information stand. A practitioner walked over to offer them leaflets, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other materials, but they refused. One practitioner who frequently clarified the truth at tourist attractions said that these mainland officials would monitor each other while abroad, and their behavior would be reported. So when they are together, they would be on guard against each other. Sure enough, when passing a practitioner, an official smiled and said: "You do not have to offer us that information. We know all about it already."

Falun Gong is becoming increasingly well known in Germany. One German man and his girlfriend passed by a practitioner distributing flyers. He said with a smile: "I am practicing Falun Gong already." He pointed to his girlfriend at his side and said: "I’ve told her all about Falun Gong, too!”