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Mr. Wang Hongbo, in His 70's, Beaten by Yueyang Police

Aug. 22, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hunan Province, China

Name: Wang Hongbo (王洪波)
Gender: Male
Age: 70s
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: August 12, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Cengshan Town Detention Center (层山镇派出所 )
City: Yueyang
Province: Hunan
Persecution Suffered: Persecution Suffered: Brainwashing, beatings, solitary confinement, home ransacked, interrogation, detention

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Wang Hongbo, in his 70s, was arrested and detained many times by the Junshan District 610 Office because he practices Falun Gong. Mr. Wang and his relative Mr. Cai Junming were taken to the Cengshan Town Police Station in the Junshan District at around 10:00 a.m. on August 12, 2011. The police beat Mr. Wang and confiscated more than 9,000 yuan in cash and other personal belongings. Mr. Wang was released at 5:00 p.m. that day.

Mr. Wang was on his way back home from the market at around 10:00 a.m. on August 12. A patrol police car with four officers, Yuan Chunhua, personnel from the Cengshan Town Justice Office, and two officers led by instructor Wang Dalin at the Cengshan Town Police Station, followed Mr. Wang home, grabbed his key and broke into his home. The police confiscated more than 9,000 yuan in cash which was his pension and savings, a brand-new DVD player, a cellphone, two MP3 players and some pamphlets about Falun Gong. Yuan Chunhua broke the frame which contained the photo of the Teacher of Falun Gong, and took the photo away. The police later took Mr. Wang and his relative Mr. Cai Junming to the Cengshan Town Police Station in the Junshan District, and interrogated them.

Duan Deliang, director of the Cengshan Town Police Station and instructor Wang Dalin threatened Mr. Wang, and made him stand for a long time. They ordered him to sign the interrogation record, but Mr. Wang wrote down “Falun Dafa is Good” instead. While he was still writing, Wang Dalin slapped his face and kicked him. They swore at him and slandered him along with the Teacher of Falun Gong. They ordered him to point to the confiscated items and claim his ownership, in order to take pictures and use them as evidence. Mr. Wang refused their demands. The interrogation continued until 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon. They notified Mr. Wang's son to take him home.

Mr. Wang's relative Mr. Cai Junming was also taken to the Cengshan Town Police Station. Officer Wang Guobing interrogated him even though he wasn't a practitioner. The officers ordered him to slander the Teacher of Falun Gong, but he refused to do it. The officers robbed him of 300 yuan in cash. Yan Dingji, director of the Security Division of Chaoyang Community Committee, also took part in the illegal arrests.

Mr. Wang has been arrested several times before. In the spring of 2000, he and two other practitioners went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. They were arrested once they arrived at the State Appeals Office. Officer Deng Xitao monitored them and robbed more than 1,000 yuan from them. They were taken back to Yuyang several days later. Officers Li Yong and Li Qiliang from the Domestic Security Team interrogated him and took his identification card away. Mr. Wang was held in the Hubin Detention Center for 15 days. During the detention, he was given one small low-quality meal a day. The guards often ordered the inmates to beat Mr. Wang.

Wu Fei, head of the trading company, went to Mr. Wang's home in March 2001. He threatened him to not go to Beijing to appeal. Mr. Wang was forced to sign the related documents. He led two personnel to Mr. Wang's home in April 2001. They said ruthlessly, “Even if your family member died, you still need to go to the brainwashing center to transform.” In the brainwashing center, Mr. Wang was forced to watch the videos that slander Falun Gong. He was physically abused, interrogated, isolated and threatened. He was held for more than forty days.

The day before the National Congress and the Political Consultative Conference in 2002, about seven officers from the Domestic Security Team, including Zhao Wenhua, Yang Wenhao and Li Jianjun, arrested Mr. Wang while he was working in the fields. Mr. Wang was taken to a brainwashing center and wasn't released until the conferences were over.

Zhou Guohua, an officer from the Caisanghu Town Police Station, Shen Cheng from the Justice Bureau, and Youzhi, from the 610 Office, broke into Mr. Wang's home one day and ransacked it. They went to his home the next day and attempted to arrest him. Mr. Wang locked the door and didn't open it, and the police left. Mr. Wang had to leave home to avoid harassment and arrest. His son later took him in. The police attempted to stop his pension.

At 9:00 p.m. on June 7, 2009, Mr. Wang returned home and found many officers at his home. They arrested him and confiscated his Falun Dafa book, Teacher's photo, a deposit book, an identification card and residence book. The police took him to the Domestic Security Division of the Junshan District Police Sub-bureau and interrogated him. Mr. Wang was later held in the Hubing Detention Center for five days.