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Falun Dafa Benefits My Entire Family

Aug. 22, 2011 |   By Shuyun, a practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) It was the autumn of 1996. I was in a meeting and heard two of my colleagues talking about purchasing a book. I asked them to buy me one, too, although I did not know what kind of book it was. The name of the book that I got was Zhuan Falun. I initially did not study it, just previewed it generally and put it away. In 1997, I developed cervical spondylosis because I rushed to knit a sweater for my child before the New Year, so that he could wear it to greet his grandmother. [Cervical spondylosis is caused by doing repetitive physical motions.] It was so painful to try to get to sleep at the night whether I used a pillow or not. My husband took me to the hospital to get an X-ray. The results showed excessive bone growth, so I had to take pills and apply balm. Since I had to change the balm often, my skin came off around my neck. However, the condition did not improve. My colleague (my current fellow practitioner) knew my situation and directed me to study Zhuan Falun. I then started to read the book.

I forget how many days I read. The pain gradually went away, and I understood how precious the book was. Later on this fellow practitioner taught me the exercises. I participated in several large-scale Fa conferences. My understanding improved a lot. As I kept studying the Fa and practicing, my old illnesses, like neurasthenia, atrophic rhinitis, and arrhythmia, all went away. Meanwhile, I felt that Teacher gave me a Falun and I was awakened by the Falun when I was sleeping. My xinxing improved also. I followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in my daily life. I considered others first, so my friends, relatives, colleagues, and supervisors all thought well of me.

I benefited quite a lot from Dafa. I shared Dafa with my mother, brother, sisters, and sister-in-law. They all started to practice. Especially my mother, who was over 70 years old. She only knew a couple of characters, so at the beginning she just listened to the lectures. Later, she wanted to read the book herself. She listened very carefully during group Fa-study. Within six month, she could read Zhuan Falun. Now she is 83 and can read all of the Dafa books. Dafa gave her wisdom.

My mother suffered from a gastric ulcer and was not allowed to eat a lot of foods. She got medical treatment, but to no avail. After she practiced Dafa, all her illnesses vanished and her face glowed. She also had her period twice.

My parents in-law had been ill for many years. I did not tell them much about Dafa, but they knew a little and were not against it. In 1999, my father in-law had bladder cancer. We were all very worried. I asked Teacher to protect him. As a result, his operation went very well. After 12 years, he was still healthy. Then, last winter, he developed blood in his urine. We all thought that his old illness had come back. He believed that he was not going to be so lucky this time around. My husband took him to the hospital. He repeated, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance is good” all the time. On the first day my father in-law could not get a turn at the hospital. I realized that Teacher might have been telling me that he was fine. Due to my husband's insistence, however, he was seen the next day. My husband told me the results: there was a shadow on his liver and he would need to see a specialist. I sent forth a righteous thought that he was a sentient being who already knew the truth and should have a bright future and good results. The specialist could not find anything wrong and told him that he was fine. My husband did not believe the specialist and drove his father to another hospital for a second opinion. He was checked again, and nothing was wrong. Now he has recovered and is healthy.

My mother-in-law knew about Dafa earlier than her husband, but she was below the level of healing and fitness. Around 2002, she developed diabetes and her arms hurt, too. She was crying because of the pain. My husband and I told her about the wonderfulness of Dafa and taught her to practice. After several days, her pain was gone. But since she did not treat herself as a real practitioner, she still had diabetes and cataracts. She had an operation, but still could not see anything. She became very upset and cried. After she went home, I persuaded her to listen to the Fa lectures. Right after a lecture, her constipation (she relied on laxatives) was eased. She eventually understood Dafa and firmly believed in Dafa. She kept listening to Dafa. One month later, she could see clearly. In 2009, she suddenly got a headache. The doctor said that it could be a cerebral infarction and she got really worried. I encouraged her, saying, “You should believe in Dafa and Teacher. You should be fine.” She recovered after several days. She did not have a good understanding of Dafa. She did not study the Fa consistently and she did not practice. She often took pills. But Teacher still took care of her and helped her through several huge difficulties.

My son knew about Dafa from a long time ago. He used to join Fa conferences, but I did not encourage him to study the Fa and practice diligently. After the persecution of Dafa began, I did not encourage him to continue studying the Fa because of pressure from my husband. But he still believed in Dafa. When I sent out informational material to clarify the truth, he helped me. When he was in junior high school, someone recommended that he join the CCP's Young Pioneers, but he refused to. He occasionally clarified the truth to his classmates. When he was in high school, he seldom stayed at home. I then copied Teacher's articles and asked him to read them. He is not a firm Dafa practitioner, but Teacher still gave him wisdom. His grades improved gradually. In 2001, he successfully enrolled in a key national university.