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Breast Cancer Disappears after Cultivating in Falun Gong for Two Months

Aug. 23, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Anhui Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I was born in Linquan County, Anhui Province and am forty-three years old. I went to Shenzheng to work part-time last year. In April, my breast suddenly felt a bit sore, and was worse a few days later. I could feel an egg-sized lump in it, so I quit my job and went home.

When I got home, my mother took me to the hospital. The doctor gave me an examination, but the result was inconclusive. I was asked to go to Fuyang City to have it examined further, and I went there right away. At the Fuyang Oncology Hospital, I was not seen until the afternoon. The doctor said that the equipment was broken, and I would need to wait for two more days to be examined. When I arrived at the hospital two days later, they were still not ready. The next morning I went to Najing and saw a doctor at Gulou Hospital. That doctor told me I had breast cancer and that I needed surgery right away. When I asked her how much would it cost, she replied, “About 120,000 yuan.” I thought, “My goodness, where am I going to get that much money?” I could not believe my ears. I went to another hospital, and the doctor there gave me the same diagnosis.

My sister-in-law told me that a relative of hers had the same problem, and was operated on at the Fubang Hospital. The cost of the procedure was 30-40,000 yuan. I returned home and my father took me to Fubang Hospital. I was given chemotherapy first, and hospitalized for a week. I was asked to come back in two weeks for the surgery.

After my cousin learned about my situation, she asked me to learn Falun Gong. She told me about many cases in which people were cured of serious illnesses after they began cultivating Falun Gong. I agreed to start practicing. She gave me a copy of the book Zhuan Falun, along with a set of DVDs of Teacher’s lectures and the exercise lessons. I began doing the exercises every day. My parents were still concerned. They took me to the hospital three weeks later. The doctor wanted to continue with chemotherapy, but they had trouble finding the right drug. I told my cousin about what had happened at the hospital. She explained that it was Teacher beginning to take care of me and encouraging me to realize that I no longer needed chemotherapy.

I did the exercises every day. Soon my celestial eye opened and Teacher allowed me to have some visions of other dimensions. After the visions, I became more diligent in Fa study. My illness slowly got better. Two months have passed since I began studying Dafa, and I have now totally recovered.

Falun Gong is miraculous. I truly thank Teacher and Dafa for giving me a second life. I will be doubly diligent to learn Dafa and do the three things well. I want to be a true Dafa disciple and repay Teacher. I want to also thank all my fellow practitioners.