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Everything Falls into Place When We Faithfully Follow Dafa's Principles

Sept. 11, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hengshui, Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) During the process of cultivation in the Fa-rectification period, I deeply feel that our venerable Master has been looking after us all the time. When we do the three things well, Master arranges everything. When we needed a car, the car would appear; when we needed help, someone would show up; when a door was difficult to open, we managed to get in; when we needed to work with a specific person on something, we would come across that person. As long as we followed the principles of Dafa, Master would arrange the best for us.

The examples in this aspect were numerous. For example, when we recognized the importance of cooperation within the whole body, while clarifying the truth face-to-face in small groups, one person would clarify the truth while the other people sent righteous thoughts. Using this approach, we could help thirty to forty people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. At times we were able to help sixty to seventy people quit the Party. Very quickly we spread the information about quitting the Party to all of the nearby cities and villages. The practitioners we cooperated with were mostly practitioners in their seventies and eighties. They had difficulty traveling to faraway places. However, whenever we wanted to go, there would be practitioners or family members of practitioners who could drive us there. Later the coordinator gave us a motorized three-wheel vehicle, which gave us the convenience to go wherever we wanted.

During the process of clarifying the truth, we required ourselves to study the Fa well. In this way we would have kind hearts and righteous thoughts when we assisted Master in saving sentient beings. We would really start from the fundamental point of being considerate of others. Then our words would be like flowing water and mostly achieve effective results. In our hearts, we performed these tasks, but did not seek results. All these are the compassionate arrangements of Master and the Fa’s mighty virtue!

Four of us once went to another county to clarify the truth. Before we left, it started raining, so we continued walking in the rain. When we got there, the rain stopped. We started to clarify the truth and managed to convince every person we spoke with to renounce their memberships to the CCP. They were also willing to accept the truth-clarifying materials that we brought. The sentient beings were waiting anxiously to be saved, so what excuse could we have for not doing well?

During our truth-clarification efforts, there were many touching stories. Once I saw a family of three generations playing with their children at their front door, so I went forward to clarify the truth to them. The grandmother offered her blessings and put her palms together and said, “Falun Dafa is good.” A young mother and her child were also very happy. The little girl did not know how to talk, but she stretched out her hands to offer me a bite of the food she was having. I was so touched that I became tearful. Even such a small child could feel the compassion of Dafa. This was the knowing side of sentient beings thanking Dafa for salvation!

There were also moments of danger. But when our hearts and thoughts are righteous, all the danger turned out to be illusory. Master said,

“Of course, though, you are Dafa disciples who made vows beforehand after all, and your lives co-exist with Dafa. With such an enormous Fa here, the Fa will be with you when your thoughts are righteous, and this is the greatest assurance.” (“Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan”)

One day at a market, a practitioner said, “That person has been following you for a long time, did you notice?” I said, “No worries!” I walked as I sent righteous thoughts. At this time, I gave my last VCD in my bag (I had a big bag of VCDs before I set out) to an older man. The person following me suddenly grabbed it and said loudly, “Why did you keep giving these to others and not to me? I have been following you around all over the market. You must give me this!” We were both amused. This person was eager to know the truth.

Another time practitioner A told me that there was an older Party member. She had clarified the truth to him many times, but was unsuccessful in convincing him to renounce his Party membership and asked me to give it a try. I sent righteous thoughts as I walked. When I came to the old man, I said, “How are you? The Party is very corrupt. Please renounce your Party membership to ensure your safety.” He shouted at me, “You have a lot of nerve. How dare you say this? I will report you to the authorities!” I said, “You are such a kind person, how could you act this way?” After talking with me for a while, he smiled and said, “Falun Dafa is good!” I deeply feel the mighty virtue of Dafa and the protection of Master.

The above are some of my cultivation experiences. Please kindly point out anything incorrect in my understanding.