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A Happy Salesman (Photos)

Sept. 11, 2011 |   By Clearwisdom correspondent Huang Yusheng from Taiwan


Starting to practice Falun Gong after watching programs on New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV)

Huang Liangjian, 41 years old, is a salesman from Taiwan. Mr. Huang was fond of qigong and one day, while watching NTDTV, he was completely fascinated by the program, “Immeasurably Huge is the Cosmos.” He downloaded the entire program and watched it episode by episode. Naturally he went online to learn about Falun Gong, and he began to read Zhuan Falun. He then bought a copy of the book, and learned the Falun Gong exercises by himself. Afterwards, he went to a local exercise site to practice with other practitioners, and he has been practicing to this day.

Mr. Huang was fond of qigong before, but never had a true teacher to teach him. He once fainted after practicing a standing qigong exercise. However, since practicing Falun Gong, he feels that he has a solid foundation because Zhuan Falun and the other Falun Gong books explicitly tell him how to deal with problems, and how to cultivate in an upright manner. More importantly, a true Master is with him.


Mr. Huang (front) works at the NTDTV Far East Station monitoring the sound effects for the evening news broadcast.


Mr. Huang practicing the fifth exercise—Strengthening Divine Powers

Cultivating according to what Zhuan Falun teaches him, Mr. Huang has gone through a large amount of mental and physical changes. Before practicing, he relied on vitamin supplements every day to give him energy. After practicing, he understood that cultivating in Falun Gong brings optimum health without the need of supplements, and his physical ailments such as nasal allergies, athlete’s foot and other health problems were all gradually healed. In addition, despite the fact that he often goes on business trips and has only about four hours of sleep each night, he, nevertheless, is more energetic than ever.

Thinking of others first, working in a happy environment

To improve his xinxing, Mr. Huang believes that cultivators and ordinary people look at things from different perspectives. The founder of Falun Gong, Master Li, teaches us to think of others first. Mr. Huang says that when genuinely doing so, he feels very happy.

Mr. Huang needed to collaborate with a certain colleague at work. That colleague, however, often forgot things, and made lots of mistakes. Due to those mistakes, he frequently had to go back to the same customers to deliver goods. It took up valuable time, and not only that, it also tested his resolve. Mr. Huang felt that this colleague did not take the job seriously and, although he understood it was a xinxing test for him, he found it hard to not blame his colleague.

His mentality changed as he continued to cultivate. About two months ago, Mr. Huang decided to lay aside all negative thoughts after he enlightened to the fact that cultivators all have energy: If he harbored thoughts that were not compassionate thoughts, he would send out negative energy, and the consequences would be infinitely negative. From then on, he began to think from the perspective of that colleague. “Nobody forgets things purposefully,” said Mr. Huang. “It must be because he has too many things to do at the same time.” Since then, the colleague has gradually made fewer and fewer mistakes, and they have begun to work well with each other again.

Laying aside the pursuit of fame and profit

One day, Mr. Huang and two other drivers scratched each other’s cars on the highway. Both the car ahead of him and behind him claimed that it was his fault, and they demanded compensation. He believed that it was very fortunate that nobody was hurt; hence he was willing to pay for the other cars’ damages, although his own car needed to be fixed as well. Yet, the police officer decided that Mr. Huang did not need to pay for the car behind him. When facing the demands from the two drivers, he was able to maintain a peaceful mentality and resolve the conflict without getting into any fights. Furthermore, he gave each of them a copy of Zhuan Falun for them to learn about the Fa.

His company offers employee discounts, so if they help sell the company’s products, the employees can keep the margin of profit. Once, one of Mr. Huang’s family members purchased these products through him. Although he sold them at the employee discount price, he knew the principle that “'a person doesn't gain anything if he doesn't lose'--to gain, you have to lose, and if you don't lose you'll be made to lose." (Zhuan Falun) He paid his company the difference with his own money. As for the free gifts his company gives employees, he normally donates the equivalent amount of money to charity because he does not like to take advantage of anyone.

Joining NTDTV

Since Mr. Huang learned about Falun Gong through watching NTDTV programs, he knows clarifying the facts via media is a vital tool. Therefore, on weekends, he has a new place to go now— the NTDTV station.

Working at the NTDTV station was not easy for him at the beginning. He did not have experience working for a TV station; however, when opening his heart to learn, he caught on quickly. A few years ago, it took him almost an entire evening to finish taping a half-hour program. Back then, he helped changing out props and backdrops, so he simply slept in the studio. Now, it only takes him about two hours to finish taping a one-hour program.

Mr. Huang said, “Cultivating in Falun Gong helps me lay aside my attachments, and find simple happiness.” He hopes that he can help provide those people who have not had a chance to know the Fa with the opportunity to learn it. He also hopes that more people will be able to receive the benefits he has had—achieving a healthy mind and body after cultivating. The beauty of life starts at the moment one begins cultivation practice.