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Clearwisdom Weekly Review, September 5, 2011 (Images)

Sept. 11, 2011

Clearwisdom Review is a weekly newsletter which presents current news about the persecution and practitioners' events around the world in a colorful and easy to reproduce two-page PDF format. The consistent format allows for duplication on both sides of a single sheet of letter-size paper for easy distribution.

In addition to basic introductory information that remains unchanged from week to week, new articles are selected for each issue to provide a balance of coverage on a range of timely topics.

The Clearwisdom Review is suitable for distribution to a wide variety of people. Content is selected to help readers learn about Falun Gong while keeping up-to-date with current events.

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Download Clearwisdom Review 2011 Issue 23: PDF Format (0.2 MB)

This Issue's Table of Contents