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Ms. Hu Xiuqing of Beijing Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

Sept. 12, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Beijing, China

Name: Hu Xiuqing (胡秀清)
Gender: Female
Age: 61
Address: North Jianxin Area, Shunyi District, Beijing
Occupation: Retired, former employee of the Shunyi Road Board No. 3 Construction Section/Unit
Date of Most Recent Arrest: April 26. 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (北京女子劳教所)
City: Beijing
Persecution Suffered: Brainwashing, detention, forced labor, home ransacked

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 14, 2011, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Xiuqing was sentenced to two years of forced labor at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Before Ms. Hu practiced Falun Gong, she had a serious kidney disease, many other chronic illnesses, and had been an alcoholic for many years. Once she began practicing, all her illnesses and her drinking problem disappeared.

On April 26, 2011, she was arrested by members of the Shunyi District Domestic Security Division, Shengli Police Station, North Jianxin Area, and No. 2 Residents' Committee. Furthermore, the police ransacked her home and took her computer, Falun Gong books, and many private belongings. They then took Ms. Hu to the Shunyi Detention Center.

After Ms. Hu was taken away, her husband, who was already in poor health, was unable to care for himself. He often sobbed, feeling alarmed and anxious. As a result of the stress from the arrest of his wife, his health deteriorated, he lost sight in one eye, and his sight in his other eye became blurry. He is now hospitalized.

Their son has taken an extended leave of absence from work to look after his father in the hospital, and has entrusted his daughter to relatives in other city.

Ms. Hu was also persecuted in 2001. The authorities took her to the Beijing Xinan Women's Forced Labor Camp for brainwashing and persecution, which lasted several months.

Contact information for those responsible for the persecution:

Wang Jun, Beijing Shunyi District Detention Center manager
Shunyi District Detention Center: +86-10-69404075, +86-10-69401575
Address: Nihe Village, Mapo Town, Shunyi District, Beijing City (postcode: 101300)