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139 Awakened Non-Practitioners' Solemn Statements

Jan. 11, 2012

(Clearwisdom.net) More and more people in China are awakening to the truth and realizing that they were deceived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into participating in the persecution of Falun Gong, either directly as government officials, police, labor camp guards, etc., or indirectly as practitioners' family members, who in many cases may have cursed Dafa, burned Dafa books, or interfered in various other ways to prevent practitioners from following their beliefs. As a result of this awakening, the Minghui/ Clearwisdom website is receiving increasing numbers of heartfelt messages from non-practitioners who wish to publicly express remorse for their wrongdoing and announce their intention to rectify their words and deeds in the future. The editors will periodically choose representative messages of this type and publish them as articles entitled, "Solemn Statements from Non-Practitioners."

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.