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Falun Gong Practitioners Endangered in Sanshengmiao Brainwashing Center in Sichuan Province

Jan. 11, 2012 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Sichuan Province, China

Name: Tan Chunmin (谭纯敏)
Age: unknown
Address: Second Team, Yujin Village, Lichun Town
City: Guihua
Province: Sichuan
Date of Most Recent Arrest: September 7, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Sanshengmiao Brainwashing Center, Guihua Town, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province (彭州市桂花镇三圣庙洗脑班)
Persecution Suffered: Brainwashing, forced injections, beatings, torture, detention, home ransacking

(Clearwisdom.net) On the night of September 7, 2011, government officials of Lichun Town, along with police officer Wang and several members of the 610 Office, stormed into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Tan Chunmin. They beat her, and took her Falun Dafa books, a video (valued at a few hundred yuan), and then arrested her and took her to the Sanshengmiao Brainwashing Center.

While in the brainwashing center, Tan Chunmin sat with her legs crossed in the lotus position and was therefore brutally tortured by guard Liao. He even broke her bed in the process. Liao threatened Ms. Tan, “If you sit in the lotus position again, I will sting you with nettles and pour pepper juice over you.” Personnel in the brainwashing center also brutally forced-fed Ms. Tan and put toxins in her food, which severely damaged her health. Doctor Yang of the Guihua Hospital examined Ms. Tan and said, “No medicine can cure her.” Because Ms. Tan's condition was incurable and the brainwashing center personnel were afraid of being held responsible for her possible death, they brought in her mother, who they threatened. They ordered her to sign an agreement accepting responsibility of any consequences when they released her daughter.


Illustration of brutal forced-feeding

People participating in the forced feeding were Yin Wujie, Wang Liju, and Wan Laowu

Tan Chunmin Cruelly Mistreated in Brainwashing Center

On the morning of July 11, 2010 at about 10 o'clock, personnel from the Lichun Town Government, along with officer Wang from the Li Chun police station, personnel from the 610 Office, Yuejin from the Government Defense Team, Luo Shicai, the Second Team captain of the village, He Mingying, the village secretary, and Tan Chunxian, who lives at the Sixth Team in Baiguo Village, arrested Tan Chunmin while she was shopping. Bystanders didn't understand why she was being arrested. Police officers and their companions lied to the public by claiming she was a pickpocket. Tan Chunmin shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” The police officers became afraid and hit Ms. Tan on the head, put her in handcuffs, and took her to the Sanshengmiao Brainwashing Center in Pengzhou City.

During her time in the brainwashing center, Ms. Tan's room was sprayed with toxic ant killer poison, and the door was immediately closed to make her suffer. Wang Liju turned the television to its highest volume in order to torment her. Wang stated that the longer a Falun Dafa practitioner is imprisoned, the more money she will make.

Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Yixiang and His Family Maltreated

At around 7 o'clock at night on July 21, 2011, government officials from Lichun Town, along with officer Wang from the police station, and United Defense Team members Liu Chengming, Zhou Yusong, Huang Helun, Xiang Xing, and a few members of the 610 Office, stormed into the home of Zhang Yixiang (address: Twelfth Team, Beiguo Village, Lichun Town, Pengzhou City). These people also beat his wife and brother-in-law, who was seriously injured, and thus had to pay over 1,000 yuan in medical expenses. They also injured his wife's hands. On the way to the Sanshengmiao Brainwashing Center, Zhang Yixiang was put in handcuffs and beaten.