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Additional Persecution News from China – December 6, 2011 (26 Reports)

Jan. 11, 2012

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 22 cities or counties in 9 provinces. According to this report, 15 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 23 practitioners were illegally arrested.

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  1. [Beijing] Ms. Wang Junling Arrested
  2. [Yuanqu, Shanxi Province] Ms. Wang Hongxia and Ms. He Chen Arrested
  3. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Ms. Huang Yan Arrested
  4. [Huizhou, Guangdong Province] Mr. Zhong Mingwen and Ms. Tao Ying Harassed
  5. [Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Shourong and Other Practitioners Arrested
  6. [Rongcheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Su Chunying and Other Practitioners Arrested
  7. [Qinglong County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhai Yuhua's Home Ransacked
  8. [Changli County, Hebei Province] Ms. Li Xiangling and Her Husband Taken to the Langfang Brainwashing Center
  9. [Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Yuping Arrested on December 5, 2011
  10. [Pi County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Shuqun Taken to the Meihuacun Brainwashing Center
  11. [Qianan County, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Shuhua Arrested
  12. [Nongan County, Jilin Province] Mr. Cui Hongxue Arrested
  13. [Jinhua, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Zhu Zuoxin Arrested and His Whereabouts Unknown
  14. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Congxiu's Whereabouts Unknown after Being Arrested
  15. [Jiaohe, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Guangzhao and Mr. Jia Lizhu Taken to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province
  16. [Huaihua, Hunan Province] Mr. Yang Shengxin Secretly Arrested
  17. [Bin County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhao Yungu, Ms. Liu Shumei, and Ms. Chen Liyun Facing Illegal Trial.
  18. [Jianyang, Sichuan Province] Ms. Xiao Huiqun and Another Falun Gong Practitioner Arrested
  19. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Ni Detained for an Extended Term
  20. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Outrageous Actions of the Zuoshan Police
  21. [Mianyang, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wei Jizhen Went Missing
  22. [Youyan County, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhao Mingzhen Detained in the Anshan Detention Center
  23. [Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Leng Chuanyu Harassed
  24. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] Ms. Qi Junling Persecuted in the Hebei Women's Forced Labor Camp
  25. [Anqiu, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Bo and Other Practitioners Harassed
  26. [Tianjin] Additional Information about the Arrests of Ms. Liu Shujin and Ms. Sun Jianping

1. [Beijing] Ms. Wang Junling Arrested

Officers from the Wudaokou Police Station and the 610 Office broke into Ms. Wang Junling's home and took her away on the night of November 17, 2011. The police also grabbed a laptop, printer, and other property. Ms. Wang is being detained in the Haidian District Detention Center.

2. [Yuanqu, Shanxi Province] Ms. Wang Hongxia and Ms. He Chen Arrested

Ms. Wang Hongxia was arrested by officers from the Xincheng Police Station on November 23, 2011. Ms. He Chen from Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, was arrested on November 24, 2011.

3. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Ms. Huang Yan Arrested

Ms. Huang Yan is a teacher at Damian High School in the Longquanyi District of Chengdu. She was arrested by four plainclothes policemen on the morning of November 14, 2011. She was detained in Longquanyi for one week and then transferred to Pujiang County. The police ransacked her home and took Falun Gong materials, Falun Dafa books, a computer, and an MP3 player.

He Weijin, director of the Stability Maintenance Office: +86-28-84877357
Lu Yasheng, deputy director: +86-28-84851895
Longquanyi 610 Office: +86-28-84858196, +86-28-84869610
Beigandao Police Station: +86-28-84853141, +86-28-84853136

4. [Huizhou, Guangdong Province] Mr. Zhong Mingwen and Ms. Tao Ying Harassed

On December 3, 2011, the Neijiang 610 Office ordered a community officer, accompanied by the Huizhou police, to arrest Mr. Zhong Mingwen and his wife, Ms. Tao Ying, who worked in Huizhou. They intended to take the couple to the Neijiang Brainwashing Center. The couple were forced to become homeless and destitute in order to avoid arrest and detention. His elderly mother and his son have now lost their means of support.

Mr. Zhong was previously detained in the Mianyang and Xinjiang forced labor camps. Ms. Tao was once detained in Xinjiang.

5. [Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Shourong and Other Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Liu Shourong, Ms. Xu Yingxin, and Ms. Yang Jie were arrested by officers from the Guangronglu Police Station on December 2, 2011. Ms. Yang fainted and was taken to the clinic located at the Vehicle Factory. Ms. Liu's home was ransacked.

6. [Rongcheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Su Chunying and Other Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Su Chunying, Ms. Ma Rongzi, and Ms. Lu Ju from Ningjin, Rongcheng, were arrested by officers from the Ningjin Police Station on the night of December 2, 2011. They were taken to the Rongcheng Detention Center at 1:30 a.m. the next day.

7. [Qinglong County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhai Yuhua's Home Ransacked

Officers from the Qinglong County Police Department and the Dawulan Township Police Station broke into Ms. Zhai Yuhua's home in Dawulan Village, Dawulan Township, on the afternoon of December 1, 2011. The police took a computer, Falun Dafa books, pictures of Master Li Hongzhi, an MP3 player, a VCD player, and an NTDTV receiver. The police had intended to seize Ms. Zhai Yuhua, but she managed to escape with her family's assistance.

8. [Changli County, Hebei Province] Ms. Li Xiangling and Her Husband Taken to the Langfang Brainwashing Center

Ms. Li Xiangling and her husband, Mr. Zhou Xiangdang, were taken to the Langfang Brainwashing Center on November 30, 2011.

9. [Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Yuping Arrested on December 5, 2011

10. [Pi County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Shuqun Taken to the Meihuacun Brainwashing Center

Ms. Wang Shuqun was picked up by officers from the Pi County 610 Office on the morning of November 28, 2011. Her home was ransacked at the same time. She is being detained in the Meihuacun Brainwashing Center in Pi County.

11. [Qianan County, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Shuhua Arrested

Zhao Yanhai and other officers from the Qianan Domestic Security Division arrested Ms. Sun Shuhua on December 1, 2011. She was taken to a detention center.

12. [Nongan County, Jilin Province] Mr. Cui Hongxue Arrested

Mr. Cui Hongxue lives in Liutiaogou Village, Qingshan Township, Nongan. He was taken to the Nongan Brainwashing Center by Gao Junling and other officers from the Qingshan Police Station on the night of November 30, 2011.

Guan Baihui, chief of the Qingshan Police Station: +86-431-83379010, +86-15500070660, +86-13364600046
Gao Junling, deputy chief of the Qingshan Police Station: +86-15500070668, +86-18943039888
Zhang Weiyou, policeman: +86-15500070669, +86-13174373333

13. [Jinhua, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Zhu Zuoxin Arrested and His Whereabouts Unknown

Officers from the Jinhua 610 Office rushed to ransack Mr. Zhu Zuoxin's home on December 2, 2011. They took a computer, printer, MP3 player, Falun Dafa books, Falun Gong materials, and other items. Mr. Zhu was arrested. His whereabouts are unknown.

14. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Congxiu's Whereabouts Unknown after Being Arrested

Ms. Xu Congxiu, 61, lives in Daxinzhuang Village, the Hanting District, Weifang. She was arrested when she went to Changyi to talk to people about Falun Gong. Her whereabouts are unknown.

15. [Jiaohe, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Guangzhao and Mr. Jia Lizhu Taken to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province

Mr. Zhang Guangzhao and Mr. Jia Lizhu were reported to the police and arrested by officers from the Wulin Township Police Station when they went to Wulin Township to talk to people about Falun Gong on September 13, 2011. They are being detained in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun.

16. [Huaihua, Hunan Province] Mr. Yang Shengxin Secretly Arrested

Mr. Yang Shengxin worked at the Hecheng District Statistics Bureau in Huaihua. After he was removed from his post for practicing Falun Dafa, he had remained at home. He suddenly went missing in the middle of October 2011. It was said that Mr. Yang Shengxin was secretly arrested. His whereabouts are unknown.

17. [Bin County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhao Yungu, Ms. Liu Shumei, and Ms. Chen Liyun Facing Illegal Trial.

The Bin County Court planned to put Ms. Zhao Yungu, Ms. Liu Shumei and Ms. Chen Liyun on trial on the morning of December 14, 2011.

Xu Xiaohui, dean of the Bin County Court: +86-451-57983867
Guo Jiawei, deputy dean: +86-451-57985229, +86-13603649866

18. [Jianyang, Sichuan Province] Ms. Xiao Huiqun and Another Falun Gong Practitioner Arrested

Ms. Xiao Huiqun lives in Shinian Township, Shiqiao Town, Jianyang. She and another practitioner were arrested while they went out to talk to people about Falun Gong on December 2, 2011. On the morning of December 5, 2011, the police and personnel from Shiqiao Town and Shinian Township went to ransack Ms. Xiao's home. At that time, there was no one at home. They took away a printer, a laptop, and other items.

19. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Ni Detained for an Extended Term

Ms. Zhang Ni was sentenced to one year of forced labor in 2010. Her term was supposed to end on November 13, 2011, and her family went to the camp to pick her up. They were told that her term had been extended by “a few days.” She has still not been released.

20. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Outrageous Actions of the Zuoshan Police

On November 1, 2011, two officers from the Zuoshan Police Station went to ransack Mr. Ma Jinzheng's home at Xizhang Village, Zuoshan Town. They took pictures of Master Li Hongzhi. On November 25, 2011, the police went to his home again and took several copies of Falun Dafa books.

The police went to harass Mr. Ma on December 1 and 3, 2011.

Four officers from the Zuoshan Police Station went to Mr. Sun Huaisen's parents' home to harass the elderly couple. Their other son, who is not a practitioner, did not allow the police to enter the house. The police broke into the house and took a copy of Zhuan Falun, a copy of Hong Yin III and pictures of Master Li Hongzhi. Mr. Sun Huaisen's 90-year-old mother was pushed down on the ground.

21. [Mianyang, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wei Jizhen Went Missing

Ms. Wei Jizhen, 72, lives in Longjiazhan in the Gaoxin District, Mianyang City. On November 18, 2011, as she was returning from Tongnan to Mianyang to collect rents and utility fees, she was taken to the Gejiamiao Brainwashing Center. Ms. Wei's blood pressure kept increasing as soon as she arrived at the brainwashing center. The center was afraid of bearing responsibility and informed the Tongnan 610 Office and Domestic Security Division to pick her up. However, Ms. Wei is still not home. Her whereabouts are unknown.

22. [Youyan County, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhao Mingzhen Detained in the Anshan Detention Center

Yang Guixue, Party secretary of Chaoyang Town Government: +86-412-7748678, +86-13504915637
Xiu Xiaosheng, deputy Party secretary: +86-412-7742043, +86-13909805557

23. [Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Leng Chuanyu Harassed

Chen Guixia is the director of the Women's Committee in the Shuiyang Town Neighboring committee of Dongning County. On November 29, 2011, she led Director Cheng Wei and others to Ms. Leng Chuanyu's home to harass her. It was the eighth time in one month. Now Ms. Leng has become homeless in order to avoid the constant harassment.

Chen Guixia: +86-13091822008
Cheng Wei: +86-15046361267
Jia Junfang: +86-15046365009
Ye Shuying: +86-13504605825

24. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] Ms. Qi Junling Persecuted in the Hebei Women's Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Qi Junling's term supposedly ended on November 26, 2011. However, the Hebei Women's Forced Labor Camp has not released her. She has been on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. She was force-fed.

Ms. Qi Junling once went on a hunger strike for two months.

25. [Anqiu, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Bo and Other Practitioners Harassed

On November 4, 2011, Hu Shaoqun, chief of the Anqiu 610 Office, and others harassed four or five Falun Gong practitioners.

At 2 p.m. that day, they went to the store that Mr. Zhang Bo owns and found UltraSurf anti-Internet blockage software in his computer. The police took Mr. Zhang and his computer, the network interface card, and his cell phone to the Jiage Police Station. Mr. Zhang was released at about 10 p.m. after they did not find any evidence of illegal activity in his computer. However, his network interface card and hard drive were confiscated.

26. [Tianjin] Additional Information about the Arrests of Ms. Liu Shujin and Ms. Sun Jianping

Officers from the Yuelong Town Police Station in Ninghe County, Tianjin, arrested Ms. Liu Shujin and Ms. Sun Jianping on December 1, 2011. Their home were also ransacked. The police confiscated Falun Dafa books and Falun Gong materials from Ms. Sun's home, and they took a computer and three printers from Ms. Liu's home. After being arrested, Ms. Sun Jianping called her sister, Ms. Sun Cuiping. The police found out and went to Ms. Sun Cuiping's home and confiscated her Falun Gong materials.

That night, officers from the Yuelong Town Police Station extorted about 5,000 yuan each from the families of Ms. Sun and Ms. Liu. The two practitioners were then released.

Han Zhiqiang from Yuelong Town Police Station: +86-13820113390, +86-22-69252058