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Because They Believe in Dafa, My Younger Brother and His Family Are Blessed

Jan. 11, 2012 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) My younger brother lives in the northeast countryside. Compared to other families, he and his family have recently experienced some positive developments. For instance, the plants in his field grew very well and he had a good harvest of fruits and vegetables. He also bought a new car and built a new house. Many things in his life have been going very smoothly. His family is healthy and his income has increased. With the same level of effort when working in the fields, his harvest was able to bring an additional ten to twenty thousand yuan for his family compared with other families. During the harvest period, sometimes other families were not able to collect anything, but my younger brother's family was able to. Everyone in his family sincerely believes the words "Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," and each of them carries a Falun Dafa amulet (1) at all times. All of this has brought them good fortune.

On July 20 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started a nationwide persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. My younger brother was not a practitioner but he did not believe in the lies fabricated by the CCP. My younger brother would often say, "If the world does not want to believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, what else should we believe in?" After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, he read and supported it. He also supported my practicing Falun Gong, believed the facts, and valued truth-clarification materials. His family members all quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. On the eve of the Spring Festival, his family lit fireworks, and all shouted out together, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

On July 7, 2007 of the Lunar calendar, my younger brother's third-eldest son drove a big truck loaded with ten tons of used iron along a mountain highway. A hired worker sat beside him. While going downhill, all of the sudden, the brakes failed. The mountain was to his right; and to his left was the edge of the cliff with a drop to a deep valley below. My nephew panicked and turned the steering wheel to the right, and his truck crashed into the side of the mountain. After the crash he lost consciousness. Later, after waking up, he found that he was still sitting in the driver's seat, but his bottom and his thigh were scratched. His pants were torn to pieces and the cell phone in his pocket was broken. The hired worker was missing and the seat that he had been sitting in had been crushed to a small metal bar. The cab of the truck was missing as well as the truck's roof and the truck was essentially ruined. And, the ten tons of iron that he had been carrying in his truck was gone. He got out to look for the hired worker, and found that the worker's head was buried in the sand beside the highway. He pulled him out – the worker was still alive and had not be seriously hurt, except for some scratches. The iron had flown out of the truck yet no one had been hurt by the flying metal.

A kindhearted van driver saw that they were still alive and drove them down the mountain. He said, "The truck was damaged like this, how come you guys are still alive!" My nephew borrowed the driver's cell phone to call both his and the worker's family. Then he took a taxi to the nearest hospital to have a full check-up including a CT scan. The doctor checked them and found that they had no broken bones and or joint damage. When my brother and their family members rushed to the hospital, the two of them had already finished their check-ups. My younger brother wanted them to stay in the hospital for more observation. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong, there was no need for further observation, and that they could go home. At the time, my nephew was still in his torn pants.

The next day, my nephew hired a tow truck to load the damaged truck onto his friend's truck and then they shipped the damaged truck and load of iron back to his home where he sold them both. The villagers knew all about the accident and came to celebrate with them. They celebrated that my nephew had survived this big disaster. They said that he must have accumulated lots of virtue. However my younger brother's family all knew that it was Master who had protected them!

On another occasion, when my younger brother's eldest son drove his motorcycle on the highway, all of a sudden he was hit by a truck crossing the highway at a very high speed. His motorcycle was damaged but he was fine. The police came to the scene and concluded that the other party was responsible for the accident. My younger brother had good xinxing and he knew it was Master who had protected his son, so he asked his son to not give the truck driver a hard time. So the driver only needed to fix his motorcycle.

(1) Amulet – in China, Dafa practitioners sometimes clarify the truth by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.