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Our Family Became Harmonious Again

Jan. 11, 2012 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a new practitioner, and I started to practice Falun Dafa in 2008. Before I practiced Dafa, I had a problem with blood. I would faint whenever I saw blood. I was nervous about this and would pass out, even when I simply had an injection. I often got colds and had rhinitis. However, since I have practiced Falun Dafa, all these problems have gone away. I'm in good health and feel light and good.

I had many tribulations before I practiced Falun Dafa. At first I had a good marriage. At that time, my husband and I were affectionate, and I felt very happy. However, he later had an affair with another woman, and after that our relationship became tense. I felt so unhappy and even thought of suicide. Because of my mother and daughter, I wouldn't commit suicide. However, I wondered why I had to suffer such a hardship.

I went to visit my older sister in 2008; she is a Falun Dafa practitioner. She said to me, "You see, the book Zhuan Falun is so good that, not only does it help one become physically healthy, it also improves one's mind nature. It is also a book of cultivation. It is such a precious book!" After that, I started to read the book. Through reading the book, I realized I had finally found the meaning of life. The purpose of being human is to return one's true self. I started studying the Fa, practicing the exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth. I regretted learning about Dafa so late. I hold myself to the principles of Dafa and feel an urgency to cultivate so I can follow Master to return to my original home.

When my husband returned home in September 2011 from where he worked, I found a letter in his luggage that he had written to another woman. From the letter, I discovered that they had had an affair for several months. I wondered why I had found the letter. It is not accidental to encounter any unpleasant things or tribulations. Master said in Zhuan Falun, "It is hard in that you knowingly lose your vested interests among everyday people. Amidst your critical self-interests, are you moved?" I thought that, as a practitioner, I could not let ordinary thoughts move me—I had to let go of human emotional attachments, as well as desire and lust. I had to cultivate myself. Master asks us to look inward. I found that I had many attachments, such as impetuousness, fearing to lose face, self interest, showing-off, competition, holding grudges and grievances, etc. I knew that I must dig them out and get rid of them. So I said to my husband, "I'm a practitioner. I will not fight you. I will also forgive you for what you did to me. I must, according to Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance." At the same time, I advised him, "You should try to be a good person, be honest and truthful. It is good for your future. You should respect Falun Dafa. If you often say, 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good,' you will be rewarded with peace and happiness." My husband said, "After I did that to you, you don't want to blame me?! I feel guilty and regretful."

My daughter, who works elsewhere, called me one day, "Mom, I found seven Udumbara flowers blossoming at the edge of my wall mirror. They are so wonderful." I immediately asked her to take a photo and to send it to me. They were indeed the Udumbara flowers. I was moved and speechless. I often told my daughter about Falun Dafa. She has watched the Shen Yun Performing Arts CD and often recites "Falun Dafa is good." I knew it was Master who encouraged me.

Master said, "Haven't I said that with one person practicing, the whole family benefits?" ("Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia" in 1999) Now my husband has changed as well. He often mentions that Falun Dafa is good. Our family has become harmonious again.