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Falun Dafa Saved My Husband's Life When He Had Spinal Cancer

Jan. 12, 2012 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I suffered a severe tribulation in the first half of 2011. On February 8, 2011, my husband suddenly felt severe back and leg pain. It was so painful that he could not eat or sleep. He could not tolerate it, and there was no medication that helped. He even went to several hospitals. Finally he had to be hospitalized at the Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical School. He was diagnosed with spinal cancer after undergoing tests with NMR, CT, and X-ray. The cancer had already spread to the entire sacrum.

It was shocking news. I have a mother-in-law in her eighties who is sick, and I also have a child that has not grown up yet. Surgery would cost a large sum of money, in addition to other fees for the treatment. I truly wondered what I should do.

I went around to borrow money to take care of the family. I almost collapsed due to the pressure and also because I was very tired. Since turning 36 years old, I had many diseases including high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, back pain, pharyngitis, rhinitis, hemorrhoids, migraine headaches, and insomnia. I was unemployed and my husband also retired because of his health problems. We were very poor and we still needed to borrow a lot of money. I almost had a mental collapse due to sadness. I knew however, that I still needed to try my best to borrow enough money for my husband's surgery.

On the day he had the operation, the doctor said, “It is risky and we can't guarantee whether it will be successful.” When my husband was in the wheelchair going to the operating room, I told him again and again, “You must come back.” It took more than eight hours for five doctors to finish.

As we might know, the pain caused by spinal cancer is very hard to tolerate, even after surgery. My husband could only rely on painkillers. Doctors wanted him to continuously receive radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but we could not afford it. My husband insisted on leaving the hospital. Without any choice, we had to go home.

After the surgery, his condition didn't improve, and instead, it was even worse, so he had to take more painkillers. The painkillers however, could not be bought easily, and one doctor could only prescribe one dose per day. So we had to go to many hospitals to get more. Therefore, my child and I went to different hospitals every day. Otherwise, my husband could not tolerate the pain for even one night because one medication was only effective for less than two hours. The whole family lived a very sad life.

October 4, 2011 was a special day for us. The day that finally brought a positive change to our family.

On that day, my cousin heard that my husband had a severe disease and she came to visit. She brought a copy of Zhuan Falun. She said, “This is a book from heaven. It is a universal great law. The great Buddha came here to save sentient beings. You should look it over and you will benefit.”

After my husband finished reading Zhuan Falun once, his health was greatly improved. The pain had obviously alleviated, and he could fall asleep at night. He had actually had insomnia for over twenty years and relied on sleeping pills during that time to get a little bit of sleep.

We then started to read the book a second time. While my husband's health continuously improved, my health also improved. I had been on medication to decrease my blood pressure for the past twenty years. One day I tried not taking the pills and nothing happened. Before that, if I forgot once, my blood pressure immediately returned to 280 mmHg.

Dafa is so magical. Within a month, my husband and I threw away all our medicationa, almost a whole bag full. Now you cannot find any pills in our home.

My husband has recovered well. He can now not only take care of himself but also helps me to prepare food, and has become healthy. Every day we listen to Master's Fa lectures, and also read Master's lectures. We persist in doing the exercises every day. I have become disease-free and very energetic.

My child saw these magical things and thought it was unbelievable, so he began reading Dafa books. He reads one lecture of Zhuan Falun every day, and makes good time to do the exercises.

As I am writing here, I am crying with tears falling down my face. I can't find words to express my gratitude towards Master for giving us another life. We can only cultivate well so that Master will not worry too much about us, and so we can live up to Master's merciful salvation.

We sincerely thank our great Master. Heshi.

I would like to tell others, please wake up, all those who don't understand Dafa and who have misunderstandings towards Dafa. Please don't miss this rare opportunity which doesn't come along in ten thousand years.