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A Young Taiwanese Practitioner Clarifies the Truth on the Phone

Presented at the 2011 Asian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference by a young disciple from Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Jan. 12, 2012


Greetings Master, greetings fellow practitioners.

Hello everyone! I am a young disciple from Taiwan. I am 11 years old. I began practicing 6 years ago. I would like to share my experiences making phone calls to save sentient beings.

I didn't want to make phone calls to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution in the beginning. That was until my mom gave me an animated film from Minghui.org, called Little Gangster. It was about how a little gangster completely changed after she received truth clarification materials from a young Dafa disciple from China. After seeing it, I decided that I also could clarify the truth and save people.

I told my mother that I wanted to make phone calls to clarify the truth. I wrote up some talking points about how to encourage people to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. When I was about to call, my mom said that I should first study the Fa, practice the exercises and send righteous thoughts. I didn't want to send righteous thoughts but now I understand how important it is. It can clear out the negative factors interfering with the person and can ensure their safety when withdrawing from the CCP. Up until now, I haven't done the three things well, but I will do my best to catch up.

My mother told me that if I didn't do well the things that I am supposed to do, then the effect would not be good. For instance, I should finish my homework first, then I will be more steadfast when I make phone calls. I am a student and I should do my work well, and that is my responsibility as a young Dafa disciple.

The first time I made 20 calls. I felt that Master was encouraging me. Four people withdrew from the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. I was so happy that I could save people. I was still a bit scared but I knew after I made more calls, that I would improve. I decided that whenever I had time, I would make phone calls. I believed as I continued, I would get rid of the attachment to fear.

I worried that when I made phone calls I wouldn't be able to understand some of what the adults said, or perhaps they would swear at me or hang up on me. It is pretty funny that I would not know they were cursing me because I did not understand what they said. My mother told me that I would run into these kind of people.

One time when I was on the calling platform, a female adult practitioner told me to take the next call. It was a man who claimed he had never joined the Young Pioneers, a Chinese Communist Party youth group, because he was illiterate. I continued to tell him the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. He asked me if I was a member of the Nationalist Party. I told him, “No, I am only 11 years old and haven't joined any party.” I told him to silently recite, “ Falun Dafa is good.”

I was very happy when he told me he had practiced Falun Dafa before. He had a different understanding of Dafa after I told him the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. I told him about many of the bad things that the CCP had done. Afterwards, he told me that he actually had belonged to the Young Pioneers. I quickly chose an alias name for him, Sheng Yang, that he could use to withdraw from the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. He later agreed to use this name to withdraw from the party. He wasn't able to relax and wasn't willing to say goodbye until he carefully confirmed that this was the correct name.

The adult practitioners on the calling platform encouraged me. They said I was really amazing. They said that young disciples are very pure and don't have so many ordinary notions, so they aren't easily disturbed by people's questions when they call. They are able to reach the best state that we hope for when we clarify the truth. But I can't become overly pleased with myself. This is Master's arrangement to encourage young practitioners to get rid of fear and summon the courage to make phone calls and save more people.

One time I was trying to help a man withdraw from the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations but he said he wasn't a party member. I said, “Great.” I asked if he was once a member of the Youth League, an affiliated youth organization of the Chinese Communist Party, in middle school. He said, yes, he was. I told him that I could help him withdraw from the Youth League and suggested an alias name that he could use. He said, “OK.” I then heard a child's voice coming from his end of the line. I asked him, “Is that your child I hear?” He said, “yes.” I said, “You are safe now. Your family needs to be safe as well. Is your child a member of the Young Pioneers?”

His child then grabbed the phone. He said right away, “I am in middle school and am a member of the Youth League.” I told him that I could give him an alias name to use in order to withdraw from the Youth League. He said, “ OK.” I was so happy for them after we finished talking about Falun Gong and the persecution, and hung up the phone. I was also very happy because this was the first time that I had helped two people withdraw from the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations in one phone call!

I hope that more people can learn the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution, withdraw from the Communist Party and have their safety guaranteed. I told my mother I wanted to make even more phone calls, so now I have my own telephone account number and I can dial the numbers by using another computer. My mother and I can make phone calls simultaneously to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. We had some interference recently and weren't able to use the computer. We spent several hours but weren't able to fix the problem. Another practitioner helped us resolve the issue but we weren't able to make as many calls that day.

Now a lot of young disciples from all over the world are able to study the Fa and participate in the phone calling platform together in order to save people. They are able to help many adults withdraw from the CCP even though their Chinese isn't always the best. They even call policemen and tell them that Falun Dafa practitioners are good people and practice according the principle of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. They tell them not to persecute practitioners.

I told my mother that they are really amazing. They even have the courage to call the police. I am still attached to fear and haven't dared to. So now there are many young disciples like myself that tell people the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. The more we do it the better we get and the more we improve. I hope that everyone, and particularly more young disciples, can study the Fa together, make phone calls, do the three things well, and save more sentient beings. Let us return to our true homes together with Master.

Thank you Master and thank you everyone! If there is anything inadequate in my understanding please compassionately point it out.