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Practitioners Subjected to Violent “Transformation” at Handan City Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province

Jan. 12, 2012 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Over the past twelve years, Handan City Forced Labor Camp guards and criminals have committed monstrous crimes. Many Falun Gong practitioners who were illegally detained there were injured, disabled, suffered mental collapse, or even died as a result of physical abuse and torture.

Guard Gao Fei has harbored enmity against Falun Gong for years, and he still colludes with other guards to physically abuse and mistreat practitioners. He instigates criminal inmates to torture practitioners in order to coerce the steadfast practitioners into renouncing Falun Gong. He also carries out long-term mental torment against steadfast practitioners.

From August 20 to September 30, 2011, the forced labor camp used collaborators, attempting to “transform” the steadfast practitioners. Many practitioners were separated from each other for a long period, several times. The perpetrators used violent methods to attempt to “transform” the practitioners, and many were physically and verbally abused, and deprived of sleep.

Chinese Communist Party officials rewarded guards 30,000 yuan for “transforming” a practitioner. Driven by greed, many guards who had not learned the facts also joined in, including Gao Fei, Xing Yansheng, and Li Himing.

In April 2011, about 40 male practitioners from forced labor camps across the province were transferred to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp, and underwent a 40-day long “transformation” period. Many practitioners were beaten and tortured.

Mr. Wang Gang, 30, an employee at the Fengfeng Mine Area in Handan City, was arrested in June 2011. He was taken to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp in mid-July. Guard Xing Yansheng threatened Mr. Wang and deceived him into writing the “four statements,” similar to the three statements. Afterwards, Mr. Wang was frequently not allowed to sleep, and he was beaten by criminal inmates. Guards handcuffed him three times to a heating pipe. In one particular instance, four inmates beat Mr. Wang in mid-November.

Mr. Chen Peiyun, from Shenze County, Hebei Province, was transferred to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp in April 2011. Guards used collaborators to try to confuse him. Guards Gao Fei and Xing Yansheng verbally and physically abused and insulted him, and kept him separated from others for long periods of time.

In mid-September, after guard Xing Yansheng became drunk, he verbally abused Mr. Chen. Xing hit his face with a book, beat him in the chest with a cup, and threw a pen into his face. In late September, Xing instigated criminal inmates to beat Mr. Chen about the head. Gao Fei slapped him in the face, and kicked his legs to make him fall to the ground. In mid-October, Xing physically and verbally abused Mr. Chen twice after he became drunk.

Mr. Zhao Mao from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province was forced several times to write the “four statements," however because he refused to comply, Li Haiming humiliated and threatened him many times. In late August, when he was asleep at night, Li Haiming continually hit the back of his head and verbally abused him.

Mr. Gao Zeng from Cheng'an County, Handan City was taken to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp in September 2011. Under extreme pressure, and being confused by the CCP's mental games, he wrote the “four statements.” Afterwards he was deeply remorseful.

Mr. Liu Jianjun, 45, from Shahe City, Hebei Province, was arrested in August 2010. He was subjected to 21 months of forced labor. He was beaten and separated from others many times because he refused to be “transformed.”

Mr. Wang Weidong from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, was taken to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp, where Gao Fei verbally and physically abused him.

Handan City Forced Labor Camp:
Zhang Xiuping, head: +86-310-4010518 (Office), +86-310-8125219 (Home), +86-13903103000
Gao Fei: +86-310- 8052898 (Home), +86-13930068442
Please refer to the original Chinese article for the contact information of more people and offices involved in the persecution.