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Promoting Shen Yun in Mainstream Society

From the 2011 Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in Asia

Jan. 17, 2012 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Japan

(Clearwisdom.net) Greetings, esteemed Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

This year we are hosting Shen Yun Performing Arts in our city for the fourth time. I would like to share the experiences of local practitioners in promoting Shen Yu during the last three years, in order to improve our work and cultivation together.

Learning from Previous Lessons

When we started to promote Shen Yun for the first time four years ago, our only promotion was elderly practitioners distributing flyers on the street. The few of us who speak Japanese were occupied selling group tickets.

In the second year, a Japanese practitioner helped to set up a ticket sales booth beside a mall. We considered that to be a valuable opportunity to promote sales, so we made an effort to assure at least one of us stayed at the booth every day. In the end, almost three hundred tickets were sold at the booth.

In the first two years of promoting Shen Yun, we didn't fully understand Master's guidance of targeting mainstream society, so we did not reach the major groups in society, only some people in certain communities. Most practitioners distributed fliers on the street and sold tickets at our booth, through which we did sell a good number of tickets. But just like Master said,

“But do you realize what it took to get those people there? We had to draw upon the entire force of our Dafa disciples." ("Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa - Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 Washington DC Metro Area Fa Conference")

I realized that these were not the proper means to promote Shen Yun in mainstream society. Our hard work during these two years did not bring optimal results.

When Master first told us about targeting mainstream society, he didn't point out explicitly how we should do it. I understand that Master meant to leave us the opportunities to build our mighty virtue. Besides, we can also locate our hidden attachments through examining the ways we promoted Shen Yun. When we were hosting Shen Yun for the third time, I chose not to distribute fliers on the street and disagreed with those who still wanted to do so, as it might bring a negative reputation to Shen Yun. I now realize that all practitioners have their own understanding and ways of doing Dafa work. Master has trusted his disciples in helping with Shen Yun, such an important project, so why should I have doubts about fellow practitioners?

The third time that we promoted Shen Yun, the practitioners in our area reached a common understanding to focus on promotion activities in the mainstream society instead of distributing fliers on the street.

Connecting with Mainstream Society

We started taking part in various social activities to build and expand our network with various groups. The process was quite smooth, as we followed the guidance of Master. If I needed to meet someone, that person would show up at a proper occasion. For example, during the second time we hosted Shen Yun, I wanted to meet the director of an organization, but he only allowed me to mail some materials to him. When we started preparing for our third Shen Yun, I thought of this person but wondered how I could meet him in person.

One day a fellow practitioner received two concert tickets as a gift from a friend, so she invited me to attend the concert with her. After the concert, someone came up to me, greeted me, and asked if I had been wanting to meet him. I was surprised to learn that he was the exact person whom I wanted to meet from the year before, and he came to the concert with the practitioner's friend who had given us the tickets. Eventually we were invited to activities that he organized so that we could introduce Shen Yun to people. In his monthly activities, a musician practitioner played the erhu, another practitioner who ran a restaurant provided catering services, and a third academic practitioner gave a presentation on traditional Chinese culture and Shen Yun Performing Arts. Through these activities, we spread the information of Shen Yun to many people.

It takes time and patience to build rapport with people. Sometimes I didn't feel like doing that, worried that it would take too much time. However, after convincing myself to go to those events, I never regretted it because I always encountered people who had karmic relationships with Dafa and let them know about Falun Gong, the persecution, and Shen Yun. Japan is a society based on personal trust. The more we take part in social activities, the more ordinary people get to know us and establish their trust in us. Eventually, they introduce us to more people.

Nevertheless, there were times that things did not go smoothly. For example, we got in touch with the chairwoman of the board of an organization, who had a great social network. Upon reviewing our Shen Yun materials, she agreed to help us promote the show. But later someone told her that it might cause her trouble, so she changed her mind. A fellow practitioner and I clarified the truth about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the persecution and continued attending the activities she organized to show our support. That year she ordered two of the most expensive tickets. We have kept in touch with her, and she has now assigned a room in her organization building for us to teach Falun Gong. This year, she invited us to talk about Shen Yun in some of her organization's activities and demonstrate Falun Gong exercises at a banquet.

We also need to maintain a sincere attitude in the relationships with everyday people. I once attended an outdoor concert with my adult son, for the purpose of introducing Shen Yun to the audience. It was very cold that day and rain seemed imminent, but the keynote performer, a female singer, was singing through the whole concert regardless. The singer was quite moved by my son and I staying until the end while some audience members left. So she insisted my son have a CD of her album. As she was from out of town, I thought that she might not be able to help with promoting Shen Yun in our area, so I didn't intend to further our relationship. However, my son insisted that I exchange business cards with the singer. I did, and gave her a Shen Yun pamphlet as well. Surprisingly, she called me the next day telling me that she had checked the Shen Yun website and found out that a theater in her neighborhood was have a Shen Yun show. She had tried to order tickets from the theater but was told the show was canceled, which made her sad. She later wrote a letter to express again her appreciation for us staying through her performance. I ran into her not long ago in our city and informed her that Shen Yun was coming again this year. I have learned something important from my relationship with this singer. No matter how busy I am, I remind myself not to neglect everyday people's reactions to our behavior. Whatever we do, we should do it in a manner of gaining without pursuit.

Eliminating Attachments and Upgrading Xinxing in Promoting Shen Yun

The first time we were promoting Shen Yun, we focused on distributing fliers on the street. Although I was working on group ticket sales, I found time to join others in the street and “forced” my husband, who was also a practitioner and was very busy with the administration work for hosting Shen Yun, to distribute fliers. My intention, however, was just to avoid fellow practitioners pointing their fingers at me. The same situation happened the second year, and I almost neglected the actual work that was assigned to me.

The local coordinator asked that we not use all of our manpower in selling tickets on the street, but I didn't heed her advice. Then an unusual thing occurred. Customers fell at our ticket booth frequently, sometimes several times per day. I still didn't realize my own attachments, but blamed the coordinator for her different opinion. Several months after the Shen Yun show was over that year, Master published "Be More Diligent," in which he states,

“So, I want to tell you that from this day forth, the main coordinator for each project—the one principal coordinator—is that project’s representative. This holds true for the main coordinator of each region’s Dafa Association as well. He or she is its representative. Whatever it may be that the coordinator does, requires of you, or decides—carry it out unconditionally. (Enthusiastic applause) Starting today.” (“Be More Diligent”)

I was shocked by Master's words, and realized how wrong I was. I had forgotten about cultivating myself, and my prejudice regarding our local coordinator had blinded me from seeing the facts. I also enlightened that Master was pointing out that we had missed mainstream society by focusing only on selling tickets on the street. Because of my attachments and prejudice, I had not carried out my duties properly. I also noticed my heart of pride, as I had consciously and unconsciously considered myself important and capable in Dafa work. My other attachments included laziness and intention to avoid responsibility.

Several days ago I was invited by an organization to give a presentation on Shen Yun and to attend a banquet held by a political party. I was asked to give a presentation about the Chinese perspective on Japan and contemporary Chinese society. Preparing for the presentation was not easy due to various forms of interference. For example, my phone rang more often than usual when I was drafting my speech, the feeling of fear emerged in my heart, I could not stop thinking that I may be engaging in politics or being used by the party for political purposes, and I experienced a physical headache as if something was stuck in my head, my body was sore, and I had the symptoms of a bad cold. Even sending forth righteous thoughts did not do much to eliminate this interference. Moreover, I noticed that I had been feeling scared when talking to people about Falun Gong and Shen Yun, as if I were doing something bad. From discussion with fellow practitioners, I understood that this interference might have come from the negative elements that the CCP had implanted in me from years ago. Therefore, I studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts intensively to get rid of those negative elements, and I finished writing the speech the night before the presentation.

In the morning, I still didn't feel well, but I was not afraid of it. I asked a few fellow practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts for me and then started to work on other necessary tasks. I knew that the evil forces were afraid of my work, through which they would be eliminated, so they tried all means to stop me from giving my presentation. When I was presenting that evening, fellow practitioners collaborated with me by showing the Shen Yun trailer. The feedback was very positive, and many people in the audience said that they would like to see the show. Some even offered to promote Shen Yun for us. At the end of that event, the participants suggested that we teach them the Falun Gong exercises, so everyone learned the first two exercises. After I returned home, all my discomfort was gone and my body felt very light. I felt even better the next morning, as I could sense that a lot of negative stuff had been removed from my body. From then on, I found that my heart of pride was much lighter and I was much more willing to accept others' criticism. I also realized that I had been too concerned about my own security in clarifying the facts to everyday people, instead of saving people.

Working as One Body to Promote Shen Yun in Mainstream Society

I have partnered with two female practitioners in promoting Shen Yun among social groups. One is an introvert, but has been constantly helping me in accomplishing numerous tasks, in addition to improving her social skills. The other is mature and tolerant as she has never criticized me for my mistakes but simply tried to fix them quietly. They both are very careful, unlike me. Often I forget things, but they always remember and remind or help me. Furthermore, they have been tolerating my attachments; still quite strong. Hereby I would like to express my true appreciation to these two practitioners, along with other local practitioners who have always managed to be available to send righteous thoughts when I asked. Every practitioner is aware of the importance of Shen Yun, thus tries to let go of self and work as one body.

Compared to my fellow practitioners, I consider that my attachments to fame and self-interest have been growing. Master says,

“It was more difficult for a young person to conduct himself or herself well. Maybe you would have found this person usually very good, caring little for fame and self-interest, when he did not have many abilities in ordinary human society. Once he became well-known, fame and profit would easily interfere.” (Zhuan Falun, Lecture 3)

Because of my experience promoting Shen Yun in the community, I started to look down upon others and developed the tendency of giving instructions to others and showing off. My desire for fame and self-interest was expanding, followed by strong jealousy and rejection of others' advice. Although I had realized these attachments, I could not help it sometimes.

For example, I found a place of business that agreed to help to promote Shen Yun and sell tickets. When I was on the way out after the meeting to finalize our deal, I thought, “I am so capable,” and I fell on the stairs right at that moment. My ankle hurt so bad that I couldn't get up from the floor for a while. I immediately realized that the accident was caused by my show-off mentality and attachment to fame. My leg was injured and I couldn't do the full lotus position while meditating for the whole time we were hosting Shen Yun that year. It was a lesson for me, however I tend to forget it when I am busy with Dafa work.

We have now started promoting Shen Yun again in order to find and save all the sentient beings who have a karmic relationship with Dafa. Each practitioner is precious and fulfills his or her mission at the proper position in Dafa work. We may have different opinions and understanding, and our interactions in previous lifetimes have consequences in our relationships in this lifetime, which may not always be positive. Yet we all are on the cultivation path of practicing one supreme Fa of the universe, and nothing can be more valuable than the predestined relationship with Dafa. Let us let go of our attachments and support each other in fulfilling our oaths.