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Persecutors of Falun Gong Meet With Untimely Misfortune

Jan. 17, 2012 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa teaches its practitioners to follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to cultivate their minds and bodies, but these kindhearted cultivators have been subjected to brutal persecution since July 1999. The principle that good will be rewarded while evil will be punished, however, ultimately plays out for all beings in the universe, without exception. Many people believe that the following three stories are illustrations of this universal principle playing out in real life.

Former Vice Head of 610 Office in Ning County, Gansu Province Burned to Death in a Car Accident

After he was promoted to vice head of the 610 Office in Ning County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province in April 2003, Meng Zhaoqing initiated a series of activities to persecute local Falun Gong practitioners. He led his underlings to practitioners’ workplaces and homes to force them to give up their cultivation. In addition, he launched a campaign in some elementary and middle schools to collect signatures from students and faculty to show so-called support of the persecution of Falun Gong. Under his directive, the 610 Office sentenced one local practitioner to forced labor.

Meng was transferred to the Ning County Court to serve as president in October 2006. While in his new position, he still actively participated in the persecution of Falun Gong.

On December 23, 2011, Meng and a few others went to Jiao Village Court to inspect their work. After the inspection work was done, the village court invited them to visit Yaochi Spring in Jingchuan County. On the way there the group was involved in a fatal accident. Two of the cars they were riding in caught fire and were totally destroyed. Six people, including Meng, were burned to death on the spot, while six others were severely burned. Meng’s neck was broken and was covered with dark burn marks.

National Security Bureau Agent Dies of Heart Attack

Ge Huaxin, son of Beijing practitioner Ge Peijun, was assigned a job at the National Security Bureau after his graduation from China University of Political Science and Law. While his father was frequently harassed by local police, he added insult to injury by threatening his elderly father, “I’ll arrest you just like the others if you go to Tiananmen Square while I’m on duty there!”

He often wrote reports to show his so-called correct understanding of Falun Gong and spared no effort at work to prove his loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party. One day in November 2010 however, he died of a sudden heart attack after consuming a large amount of alcohol at a business dinner.

Daughter of Former Editor-in-Chief Dies of Lung Cancer Shortly After College Graduation

Zhang Shujian, 53, once served as editor-in-chief of Laixi Daily (a local newspaper) and deputy head of the Laixi City Party School. During his tenure as editor in 2002, he personally wrote and published a series of articles attacking Falun Gong. He also helped the local police in their attempts to reform practitioners.

One day in 2003, while traveling to Weihai City with his wife to visit their daughter who was attending college there, they had a car accident. His wife, who was sitting in the back, was thrown into the front passenger’s seat and lost consciousness. Zhang himself sustained fractures all over his body. As soon as onlookers helped pull the couple and their driver out of the car, the vehicle exploded.

When the couple finally recovered from the accident, it was time for their daughter to graduate from college and they had already lined up a job for her at Bandao Urban Newspaper. However, their daughter developed liver cancer and died in less than a year, despite the 170,000 yuan they spent seeking a cure for her.