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Clarifying the Facts and Saving CCP Military and Police Personnel

Jan. 17, 2012 |   By a practitioner from China


1. Getting Informational Materials to CCP Military Personnel

- Guards On Duty

One Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military living quarters is so large that it covers many kilometers of land. There are tall walls with electric barbwire, and it is heavily guarded at all times. There is a parking area with many meters of railing fence for the CCP officers’ bikes and motorcycles. As long as Dafa practitioners avoided looking directly at the guards, they have been able to quickly pass truth clarification flyers through the railings. Over the last few years, this opening has never been closed off. What this means is that the guards have never revealed the opening to any of their superiors. The officers have realized this was the only opportunity to get the real facts on the illegal persecution of Falun Gong in China.

- Concealed Sentry

At one military post, besides the mandatory tank and bayonet outside the door, there is a concealed sentry and hidden doors. The gloomy iron front door stays shut both day and night, and there is a smaller iron door that is hardly ever opened. If you opened the small iron door, officials would bark, “Who are you looking for?”

Those who are on duty are officers, not military soldiers. The sentry had a desk and a chair facing the iron gate. There is a two-inch gap between the iron door and the ground. Day and night, Falun Gong practitioners have passed truth clarification materials through that gap, and the officers on duty did not report it. The military personnel wanted to know the truth about Falun Gong and did not want to hurt practitioners who had risked their lives to provide them with facts about Falun Gong.

-Flyers Suddenly Appear

At one military post, several guards were stationed at the front entrance to let cars and trucks in and out, and there was a small door a few meters away from the main door. A guard sitting behind the desk was observing those who were coming and going through the door. He was behind the glass, and when he lowered his head, his hat would cover his eyes. Falun Gong practitioners would then have the chance to leave flyers outside the glass window. When the guard lifted his head, he was pleased when he saw the materials right before him!

- Military Vehicle

Placing flyers on a military vehicle is another important way to save the military personnel who have been severely deceived by the CCP propaganda. When senior officers and their families go shopping, there are chances to put the flyers on their vehicles. After a while, they noticed this, so they would leave the driver to guard the vehicle. But the drivers were not very serious in carrying out their duty, and they sometimes walked a distance away from the vehicle. When they saw people approaching, they would turn around or deliberately walk away.

Sometimes when practitioners left the flyers and had not gone far, the driver would turn around, but they acted as if they did not see anything. It was not uncommon for this to happen and we often wondered if the drivers handed over the materials to their superiors.

-Handing Out Flyers in Front of Military Headquarters

Early one morning, several guards were on duty moving the roadblocks in front of the military headquarters. A practitioner was holding a cup of hot drink as he began putting truth-clarifying materials into the bicycle and motorcycle baskets. The guards who were busy moving things acted like he wasn’t there. The CCP's control over the military is no longer like it was in the past. The military personnel don't persecute Falun Gong as fanatically as they did before.

2. Police Officers Seek the Truth

- Police Vehicle Waiting for the Truth

In a square in a certain city, hundreds of people dance at night. After finishing handing out informational flyers, the practitioner noticed a police car parked nearby. He approached it several times, but he could not do anything, as the dancers were watching him. When he went to the other side of the car, he noticed the back window slowly open! The practitioner was deeply grateful as someone was genuinely looking for the truth about Falun Gong.

The practitioner took out a large package of materials and put it inside the car. He noticed the uniform on the back seat, which indicated the officer was at the very least a director of a police department.

- Lights Break in Front of the Police Department Doors

At a police department, several offices faced the street and often took flyers through the doors. After a while their superior took note of this and set a bright light in front of each door, so the police officers could not receive any more facts about Falun Gong. Shortly after that, the new lights broke for no apparent reason, and the policemen were able to get flyers again.

- Police Department Drivers Became the Best-informed Sources

In this end stage of the CCP gangsters’ rule, there are police cars all over the streets, disturbing citizens day and night. They want to control and threaten citizens. Their cars are often parked at eating, drinking, and gambling establishments, so distributing truth-clarifying flyers to the police cars is another way of saving people. Those drivers became the best-informed sources. As long as they parked the car, they would receive the facts about Falun Gong.

Those drivers worked for communist leaders, and they knew their mentality and behaviors. The drivers had become less confidant in the communist party’s ability to rule, its corrupt members, and the future that lay ahead. Whenever they had a chance, they would park their cars on the street to get more truth clarification materials so as to deepen their understanding of Falun Gong and to awaken their consciousness and have no heart for the CCP.

One police officer manages over a dozen police cars for a CCP court. He heard his different crews talking about the flyers and he also wanted to try his luck. He lives near a market, so he normally doesn’t drive, but that day he drove his car and parked a bit further away from the market, then waited and looked, as if hoping to see a Falun Gong practitioner. When a practitioner arrived, he did not put the flyer in his car for safety reasons. Since his other drivers had all received many flyers, he was sure would have chance to read them.

- Guard Changes His Attitude

There were many police families in one subdivision, and many parked vehicles of all sorts. They never closed their subdivision's front door, as if waiting for materials to arrive. Practitioners thought that those sentient beings should also be saved.

One Saturday morning, a practitioner carrying a large package of materials began passing them out. When he turned around, he saw a guard on duty standing at the front and blocking the door, but he did not yell. The practitioner decided to leave, so he got on his bike. As he cycled towards the guard, he sent out a thought, “Freeze! You are not allowed to disturb a practitioner distributing the facts about Falun Gong to help save sentient beings!” As he got closer to the guard, who looked vicious, the practitioner was firm and kept a smile on his face. As he passed by, the guard softly mumbled, “Hey, brother, take it easy.” The righteous thoughts of a compassionate practitioner turned a potentially perilous situation into a safe one.

3. Security Guard

- Window Kept Open On Cold Winter Nights

There are thousands of teachers and students at a high priority school, and security guards take turns guarding the front entrance. They don't open the main doors all the way except at the beginning and end of each school day. Most of the time, people have to pass through a small, narrow door. If anyone approaches, the security guards ask questions, and follow and watch them closely. In order to save those sentient beings, a practitioner threw the flyers at them just inside the door. After a period of time, the situation changed, and the guards waited for the materials. The guards kept the window of their security office open, and they would come out of the room so practitioners could put the materials through the window. If it was cold, and they had to close the window, the practitioner would put the flyers against the window, and they would be picked up immediately.

After the security guards understood the facts about Falun Gong, one of the guards started opening the main entrance door a little wider. He would no longer question anyone entering or leaving the school, so practitioners could come and go easily. When they passed the security room in the middle of the night, they could see the window slightly opened, waiting for more informational materials. Practitioners felt the urgency of sentient beings waiting to be saved, and were vitally aware of the historic mission they shouldered. They are very grateful to be Fa rectification Falun Gong practitioners in this time for saving sentient beings.

- Refusing to be Manipulated by Evil

Falun Gong practitioners also go to large companies. One day when they unintentionally passed the surveillance room at one of these companies, they noticed where all the monitors were in the building. There were several guards watching the screens intently, as if they were working very hard. Why couldn't they see the Dafa practitioners delivering materials right in front of them? From other dimensions, we understand that Master's Fashen and righteous gods safeguard practitioners when our thoughts are righteous.

From the human level, several practitioners observed that even though the monitors were working, the security guards were not paying attention to them. They seemed to have developed some sort of alertness fatigue. When standing or sitting, they almost always faced the opposite direction from us. Even if they were facing the monitor, their minds were not aware. By looking at their vacant stares, we realized that their main consciousnesses were no longer present, and they were seriously worrying for their future.

These are our cultivation experiences in Fa rectification. Please kindly point out any shortcomings.
