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German Falun Gong Practitioners: “Every Sharing Seems to Point at My Heart”

Sidelights on the 2012 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in the German-Language Region

Jan. 17, 2012 |   By Minghui correspondent De Xiang

(Clearwisdom.net) “The sharing was great! It touched the bottom of my heart!” “I think every sharing was great! They seem to point at my heart!” “It's so important for me to listen to the experience sharing! I'm so glad I came!” The above statements were heard from German Falun Gong practitioners after they attended the 2012 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in the German-Language Region. They all agreed that the conference was very inspiring and a great opportunity to learn from each other. Many found where they fell short through hearing other people's experiences. Some said that all the sharings described different experiences of breaking through everyday people's mindsets.

The host of the conference reviewed Master's scripture at the beginning of the conference,

“That’s all I had to say. I hope that your Fa conference is a big success. In the conference many people will be sharing about their cultivation process, their cultivation state, and how they have approached the various things that they’ve encountered with the righteous thoughts of a Dafa disciple. When you hear these things, don’t just treat them like some story. That is the path that someone has walked in cultivation, the same kind of path that you have walked. I hope to see you regaining your enthusiasm and getting back to your best cultivation state.” (“What Is Dafa Disciple”)

Practitioner Nilsson said, “The most touching was our fellow practitioners' hearts.” A Falun Gong practitioner said during her sharing that her non-practitioner mother and sister had watched the Shen Yun show and thought it was great. Her mother passed away not long ago. At the moment of her mother's death, her sister saw gods descending from heaven to receive her mom, just like what they saw at the Shen Yun show... Gods from heaven descending to the world to receive a Falun Gong practitioner who died from the Chinese Communist Party's persecution. Nilsson said she previously lacked concrete understanding of how the Shen Yun audiences are saved. “This sharing gave me new understanding of the Shen Yun shows.” Nilsson felt that the sharing helped her develop a correct approach to promoting Shen Yun and saving more sentient beings.

Practitioner Schmelz, one of the thirty-six practitioners who unfolded a “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” banner on Tiananmen Square ten years ago, said that an elderly German practitioner's speech really touched him. The practitioner overcame the barrier of her age and actively participated in promoting Shen Yun.

Eleven-year-old Eliya attended the conference with her mother and brother. She thought everyone's sharing was wonderful! During a team sharing, adult practitioners talked about how to study the Fa well, and Eliya raised her hand and said, “Use your heart, not just your eyes, to study the Fa. Then you will understand the Fa well.” Eliya's mother obtained the Fa two years ago. Because they lived far from other practitioners, they valued this experience sharing opportunity very much. “I learned from the sharing how to let go of my sentimentality and seriously let go my attachments. I feel this conference was for us!”

Mr. Wang learned from a practitioner's sharing about how things changed when practitioners no longer blamed each other at times of conflict. He said, “I haven't been able to do well on this issue. I need to learn from them.”

Ms. Zheng from Austria said, “I was deeply touched by the sharing at the conference. I feel it from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't help crying. They shared their experiences with smiles and in ordinary voices. But I could feel how solid their cultivation was. They comprehended the Fa well.” She was especially touched by a practitioner who told how she let go of sentimentality, “She analyzed the issue very well and was determined to completely cast away her attachment. Her understanding came from the perspective of the Fa.”

Senior practitioner Tempel from Hamburg felt that all the sharing seemed to point at his heart. It was inspiring. A new practitioner and teacher wanted to tell her colleagues, her students, and their parents about Falun Dafa. She searched inward when she fell short, eliminated her bad thoughts, and did the introduction well to many people. Tempel said, “I came from that area. I'm very happy and touched that practitioners are promoting Falun Gong there!”