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9th China Fahui on Minghui.org Has Begun

Nov. 10, 2012

(Minghui.org) The 9th China Fahui on Minghui.org has now begun. In the upcoming days and weeks, you may look forward to seeing English translations of these heartfelt sharings by practitioners in Mainland China published on en.Minghui.org in this category.

Because of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong that has been systematically carried out by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999, practitioners in China are not able to gather in person to share their cultivation experiences as are practitioners in all other countries of the world.

Thus the Minghui website has conducted China Fahuis on Minghui.org for the last nine years, and practitioners around the world benefit from the rich sharing of cultivation experiences that the China Fahuis on Minghui.org provide.

Related Article:  Call for Articles for the 9th China Fahui on Minghui.org