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Minghui Fahui | Immersing Myself in the Beauty of Dafa

Nov. 23, 2012 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Greetings to our compassionate great Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

This Fa Conference is a great annual event for Dafa practitioners. It was established by Master to provide practitioners an opportunity to share their cultivation experiences and improve themselves. I missed opportunities in the past to validate the Fa because of interference from my own human notions. Regardless of my cultivation level, I want to cherish this unprecedented opportunity today to record my cultivation experiences so that sentient beings will know the greatness of Master and the extraordinary power of Dafa.

I was unhealthy since I was a child. When my daughter was born, I did not have any breast milk to feed her. This really upset me, and I developed severe insomnia. Eventually I felt like I was on the verge of collapse. My mood fell to the lowest point when I was diagnosed with neurasthenia and depression. I was tense and nervous and felt like I was living in a dark world. I became paranoid, manic, and fearful and felt worthless. I could not remember things. I acted like a crazy person when I didn't control myself well. I lived distractedly every day, like a person without a soul.

I visited many hospitals with my family and took a lot of medicine, but nothing worked. My eyeballs later protruded because of hyperthyroidism. I lost a lot of weight, and I got tired just walking upstairs. Under these conditions, I thought several times to end my life. But I then thought of my daughter, who would be so young to lose her mother. The love of my parents, sick grandmother, siblings, and good friends were like ropes firmly tied around me. I gave up the suicide idea and forced myself to live on even though the pain was so severe and hard to endure. I complained that the gods were unfair to me. At the same time, I expected and waited for the gods to come to save me one day. I struggled with physical and mental pains for eight years.

I Began Practicing Dafa

The mother of my daughter's friend was a Falun Gong practitioner. When she heard about my condition, she told my daughter that Falun Gong had miraculous curing powers for mind and body. She handed my daughter a copy of Zhuan Falun for me. I started studying the Fa and practicing Falun Gong with the intention of getting healed. As time went by, I gradually reduced my dependence on antidepressants and my mood improved day by day. Within a few months, the terrible symptoms of depression and other physical ailments vanished completely. I looked like a different person, with a rosy, unwrinkled complexion, and I was full of energy. The freckles on my cheeks disappeared. My colleagues mentioned to me that I looked younger and prettier. I was really happy, and when I thought of how fortunate I was to have Master, I felt I was the happiest person in the world.

As a Dafa practitioner I pay close attention to what I say and do. I always remind myself that my behavior reflects the image of a practitioner. I work hard and take personal gain and fame lightly. Because of my being considerate of my coworkers in their daily lives, many of them were willing to chat with me. During these casual conversations, I tell them about the goodness of Dafa. I let them know the true facts about Falun Gong in this peaceful atmosphere. I help them eliminate the poison instilled by the media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) so they can choose a good future.

On one occasion, I talked to an art director who was affable, humorous, and open-minded. He had a very tight rehearsal schedule. To quickly get to the point, I wrote down on paper a brief message: “Good acts comes from good self-cultivation.” After a polite greeting, I handed it to him with a smile. He smiled and nodded after glancing at it. A few days later, I seized an opportunity to clarify the truth to him and gave him a Shen Yun Performance DVD. He agreed with Dafa principles. Since then, his first words are always “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” when he sees me. He also makes a “Heshi” gesture with his palms pressed together.

Another director who also has a lot of personality is my teacher. When I told him I was a Dafa practitioner, he commented that he had a good impression of Dafa disciples. He told me how practitioners had found him and kindly clarified the truth to him after he made a program TV slandering Dafa. He had great respect for practitioners' peaceful and rational behavior. We chatted a lot about ancient times to the present China situation, and to the current human morality. He remarked on how I had changed into a knowledgeable woman even though I had been a mediocre student in school. I told him that it was because Dafa had inspired my wisdom. I gave him the DVD of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and concisely summarized the content. He was glad to accept it. He also asked for more DVDs for his friends, which they cheerfully accepted. His friends also thanked me.

I also clarified the truth to one of my colleagues who was my classmate, but he rejected Dafa. We had some conflicts before and there was a gap between us, even though we still talked to each other. After I started practicing Dafa, I actively healed the gap by cooperating with him at work and respecting him after work. I advised him to renounce the CCP several times but to no avail. He thought that I was playing politics and did nothing but oppose the CCP. I was very frustrated. One day I went to Beijing on business with some of my colleagues, including this classmate. I found a chance to patiently clarify the truth to him again. I said, “I told you those facts for no other reason than for your own good. I was very selfish, and I might have unintentionally hurt you. I sincerely apologize if I did. We Chinese believe in predestined relationships, and I cherish our predestined relationship. Many people have said that this is a special period and there will be a lot of catastrophes. Don't we just want to have an auspicious and safe life? You can choose to believe it or not, as no one can force you. However, you have the right to pursue safety. There is an old saying that says, 'Better to believe the worst and be pleasantly surprised, than to be optimistic and learn the worst.' I am telling you this to form a good karmic relationship with you.” He pondered for a while and finally nodded.

When I was meditating in my hotel room at noon on our first day in Beijing, one colleague knocked on the door and asked if he could sit in to get over his annoyance. Our employer had assigned him to secretly monitor me. After suggesting that he find a seat, I closed my eyes and continued my meditation in the calm atmosphere with the beautiful exercise music. I then heard the sound of someone sobbing. He was moved to tears by the compassionate and peaceful energy field. He said innocently, “I don't know why I feel like crying today. Please pardon me for my improper manners. You are so kind and perfect. I did something terrible to you before.” I told him that Dafa practitioners cultivate themselves to be compassionate and selfless. This compassionate energy field touched his heart deeply, and that is why he was moved. This is the extraordinariness of Dafa.

It was almost lunch time. We went to invite another colleague to lunch. When it was noon, time for practitioners to globally send forth righteous thoughts, I asked them if I could do my practice in the room for a little while before we went out for lunch. They suggested I go ahead and they would watch the door to ensure no one would interrupt me. I held up my right hand calmly and with determination to cleanse the field in Beijing and its surrounding areas. Seeing this scene, the other colleague said, “Look! She really looks like a Bodhisattva.”

That day, I enlightened a little bit to feelings of compassion: “Your dimensional field will be pure only when your heart is pure; People and materials around you will be pure if your gong is pure.”

My Family's Attitude Changed

My younger brother had an unfortunate marriage, and he got divorced before his child was two years old. His financial condition was desperate with only 25 yuan in savings, and the child lived with him. The pressure of working and taking care of his child made him miserable. He became resentful and irritable. He often beat his child. He suffered from insomnia, and his health deteriorated. He was on the brink of collapse. Knowing his hardship, my husband and I invited him to live with us. We also invited my mother so that she could help take care of his child. We all lived together for more than three years.

During that time, our own financial condition was not good either. My husband lost his job and my daughter was still in middle school. I became the only financial support for the family. Adding three people to the family undoubtedly increased our financial burden. Some family conflicts inevitably arose when we were living together. The children could be naughty, and my husband sometimes grumbled, and I would complain that he was not considerate of others. Those difficulties made me feel bitter and I wondered how to balance the relationships.

Teacher's Fa shown below always emerged in my mind at difficult times:

“A benevolent person always has a heart of compassion. With no discontentment or hatred, he takes hardship as joy.”("Realms" from Essentials for Further Advancement)

When I did not have joy when encountering hardship, I always felt that Master was compassionately looking after me and expecting me to cultivate well. Whenever I thought of Master, I felt calm and at peace. I told myself not to feel discontented or resentful and to be considerate of others. I started to care for them in our daily lives, and our family relationships improved. Our relatives praised us, and my parents were very happy. They said that doing those things made them happier than fulfilling my filial piety to them directly. Many people, including my younger brother's colleagues, my colleagues, and our neighbors, praised me, saying “This big sister is really good. She was a big help to her brother.” Some people even commented, “Falun Gong practitioners are not like the people we heard about on television, who are heartless and ruthless and don't care for their families. See, this Falun Gong sister is so nice! Her brother has benefited from Dafa. The wicked lies won't hold up.”

My younger brother likes tea. When I had tea with him, I always told him about my glorious enlightenment from Dafa cultivation, which trickled in silently to water his heart. My brother changed, and he started to smile and became cheerful. One time when I was sending forth righteous thoughts, he came in and said, “I want to do the meditation, too. Can I sit here?” I said he could but that he had to wait a little while. I told him to calm his mind first. He sat down across from me. He said, “I see you sitting inside a halo surrounded by a hazy cloud.” So that he wouldn't interrupt my sending righteous thoughts, I told him softly to tell me later. Once I was done, he said that he saw pink flowers shining in other dimensions and their stamens could be clearly seen. He also saw a fierce soldier in armor pointing at him with a weapon. He immediately recited, “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” The soldier suddenly looked like he was being electrocuted and was dissolved by a ray of blue light. My brother said that he also saw a Bodhisattva in a white dress and Jiang Zemin in green camouflage. When he recited, “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” Jiang immediately turned into a donkey. He asked me why. To inspire his intrinsic nature, I shared with him my own enlightenment that I had learned from Dafa cultivation. He indeed understood a lot.

The wicked CCP culture has been deeply instilled into the people of China. They are afraid of getting involved in politics and thus cannot understand the reasons for renouncing the CCP. They, including my own brother, think that to do so is simply to oppose the CCP. Every time I advised him to withdraw his CCP membership, he quickly became upset and said, “I can understand that practicing cultivation will help heal diseases and maintain fitness, because I have seen how you have changed. But isn't it obvious that encouraging someone to quit the CCP is opposing it? It is really disgusting!” He continued to resist. He changed a lot after reading many informational materials. He suddenly said to me, “Please help me withdraw. I can truly understand now. The wicked CCP is bad.” I was happy that he finally understood the truth and would have a good future.

On another occasion, I put up on his bedroom wall the picture “Fulfilling Vows” that was displayed in The Art of Zhen Shan Ren International Exhibition. When my brother came home from work, before entering the house, he asked why our house was so bright and glorious. I told him to look on the wall in his bedroom. He then said it must be that picture that had brightened the house.

My older sister, who lives in a farming village, was poor. In Chinese villages, a farmer without a son is always a target of bullying. Having longed for a son, my sister finally got pregnant again in her 40s after having four daughters. She had to hide out from those who implemented the “one child policy.” She finally had a son, but her health deteriorated after that, and she had all kinds of illnesses. She almost could not take care of herself.

Luckily, she obtained the Fa and Master cleansed her body on the fourth night after she started to listen to the CD of Master's “Lectures in Jinan.” She had nosebleeds continuously but, surprisingly, this almost paralyzed person got out of bed and ran around with her youngest daughter. After that, she could do household chores and farm more than 10 acres of land. Her husband was very happy and praised Dafa for its miraculous power. He deeply believes in Dafa. During the brutal persecution of Dafa disciples, my brother-in-law bravely stood up to protect Dafa and clarified the truth to people. He thus has been blessed also.

One day, my brother-in-law delivered goods with his partner to customers in a mountainous area. The road near the cliff was very narrow. They rode their motorcycles side by side at fast speeds. All of a sudden, a big cargo truck got tangled in the handle of his partner's motorcycle. To save his partner from being run over, he had to lean away and jump at the critical moment to give his partner more space. He might fall off the cliff if he did not handle it well and jumped too far. My brother-in-law is an upstanding person, and he always thinks of others at crucial moments. He made up his mind, closed his eyes, and jumped. He was happy to see his partner was safe. But his own leather shoes, warm underwear, and pants were torn apart, and his knees were bleeding. He had to stay in bed for a while. However, my brother-in-law is antsy, and since he could not move because of the pain in his legs, he followed my sister's advice to read Zhuan Falun. He later told me that, when he opened the book, he saw every word in the book becoming a live little green person. I told him, “You are have a predestined relationship with Dafa. It is Master who protected you, and your kindness was rewarded.” He agreed.

He also experienced two dangerous accidents which were both resolved by Dafa. The first accident occurred in the factory where he worked. He saw an electrical wire laying on the road. He moved it to the side of the road so others wouldn't trip over it. The moment he picked up the wire in, he realized it was a live wire. Instead of being electrocuted, he was only shocked by a big fire ball, but he was safe. The second accident occurred when he delivered goods to an outlying village. He ran over a big boulder on his motorcycle and fell off but was not injured. The next day, he heard the local people say that accidents were common at that spot and a young man had been killed there recently. It is indeed true that if one person practices cultivation, the whole family benefits. As long as you have a thought of treating Dafa kindly, you will be blessed with happiness and safety.

What a Dafa disciple does and says to ordinary people actually represent the truth. As illustrated in the following events, taking action is sometimes better than talking.

My mother suffered a serious stroke and had to stay in the hospital. She was half paralyzed, including her tongue. She could not eat, drink, or speak clearly. They inserted a tube through her nose to feed her. We siblings took turns caring for her around the clock. Almost a month went by and she did not get any better. The whole family planned for the worst. My father sadly said, “I would be satisfied if your mother could eat normally after the tube is removed.” I remembered that my mother had listened to Master's Fa lectures and understood the truth when she watched my brother's child in my house. Only Dafa could save her from this hardship.

When I showed up, my mother's eyes lit up, like she finally saw a savior. I knew what she thought—she expected Master to save her. I told her, “Master only protects practitioners. Do you want to cultivate?” She nodded, and I told her to sincerely recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I sent forth righteous thoughts to cleanse our dimensional field and eliminate every evil that was persecuting my mother. Her condition stabilized in a few days. I then encouraged her, “You can control your own body, your arms, your legs, and your mouth. Let them follow your orders. From now on, use your mouth to eat and drink. You will not be in any danger because Master is protecting you.” My mother was very cooperative. She looked at me with trust and started with difficultly to swallow water drop by drop. I looked at her kindly and smiled to encourage her. When my sister-in-law saw this, she was worried and said, “You are so brave. It would be dangerous if water got into her lungs.” I replied that there would be no problem. My oldest younger brother even tried to stop me. However, when they were not around, I let my mother try to drink on her own. At the same time, I asked for Master's help. A few days later, my mother could eat and drink normally. My brother no longer said anything. My mother also could not fall asleep. When I played the exercise music to do the exercises, she would sleep deeply every night. My oldest younger brother, who had always opposed my cultivation, did not say anything.

I wanted to create a righteous cultivation environment, especially in front of my oldest younger brother. He used to be a supervisor of a local 610 Office. I tried several times to clarify the truth to him. and he always sarcastically answered back with mean words. I know he is intrinsically kind, and he knows the wickedness of the CCP. He was just worried that I would be persecuted and he would also be affected.

When my mother was finally released from the hospital, I took care of her. I insisted that she study the Fa and do the exercises, even if her arms hurt. One morning when I was doing the exercises, my mother excitedly said,

“Master took care of me! Master took care of me!” Her leg that had quit working regained feeling and she could bend it. My mother was too excited to talk. Witnessing this miracle, my youngest brother and his son were moved. We helped Mother sit down on the sofa. Everyone then spontaneously followed the beautiful soft music to practice the third exercise, “Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremes." When my oldest younger brother saw her improvement after he came home from work, he said heartily, “This qigong truly works.”

During this time when we took turns caring for my mother, everyone in the family except me was exhausted due to lack of sleep. This once sickly woman (me) was very energetic. When I was at home, I automatically became the primary caretaker. Everyone admires the extraordinary power of Dafa.

The above experiences are my enlightenment from Dafa cultivation. Please kindly correct anything that is inappropriate.

Thank you, Master!

Thank you, fellow practitioners!