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Righteous Thoughts Manifested in Our Mindset

Dec. 17, 2012 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) One day I went to distribute truth-clarification materials with another practitioner. It went very smoothly at the beginning. Later we went to a park to distribute DVDs of the Shen Yun Performing Arts show. While I was thinking about how to approach several people sitting on a bench, I heard the practitioner say, “There are cameras everywhere.” Without much thinking, I asked, “Where?” He replied, “Right above your head.” I naturally looked around and all kinds of thoughts surfaced, “What shall I do? We have distributed so much already. We should send forth righteous thoughts to reject it! ...” Seeing that I was alarmed, the practitioner said, “The camera is not targeting us. It is targeting the bad guys.” I instantly felt relieved. I smiled to myself, “That’s so true!” I then focused on distributing the DVDs.

“The camera is not targeting us. It is targeting the bad guys.” It is a simple sentence. But it completely changed my thinking. On my way home, I was still thinking about it and I was impressed by the other practitioner's mindset. Meanwhile I saw my own shortcoming – why I didn’t think this way? My first reaction to the camera was not righteous thoughts, but rather I was alarmed and didn’t know what to do. Thus it seems that my understanding of the Fa was still superficial. When I encountered a sudden incident, my main consciousness lacked righteous thoughts.

When another practitioner told me that there was a camera installed near her home today, I recalled this experience. I had a new understanding – when I sent forth righteous thoughts in the past, I always targeted the individual persecutors as evil. Thus I perceived that particular sentient being as being evil. I often viewed it as a matter of persecution and anti-persecution. This might be the loophole that the old forces were able to use to take hold of me.

Now I clearly realize that I should separate the sentient beings from the evil forces that control them. This way we will be able to eliminate the evil as well as save sentient beings. When we face the officials from the police station, the 610 office and police department, we should see them as ordinary sentient beings who have been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party. Thus we should try to save them. This of course excludes those who have committed unforgivable crimes against Dafa. That is to say, our righteous thoughts should target the evil in other dimensions and eliminate it.

The above is my understanding. Please point out anything that is inappropriate.