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After Gaining a New Life through Practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Zhu Guying is Repeatedly Arrested

April 1, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) Ms. Zhu Guiying, 65, lives in Jinan City. She was previously known in her workplace as a sickly person. She is now retired. In 1996 she started to practice Falun Gong. Not only did she gain a healthy body but also became a warmhearted person, and moreover, tried her best to help others. However during the persecution of Falun Gong launched by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), she was arrested again and again by the authorities, and was tortured in many cruel ways. On February 8, 2012, Zhu Guiying was once again illegally arrested.

Gaining a New Life after Practicing Dafa

Ms. Zhu Guiying, who lives on Kunlun Street, in the Huaiyin District of Jinan City, is retired from the Locomotive Manufacturer of Huaiyin District, Jinan City. While working she served as a financial accountant, sales department manager, and also had other duties. She worked very hard and was very good at her job. In order to take care of her husband, and since she herself was in poor health, she retired at an early age. Zhu Guiying had suffered from various problems, including heart disease, asthma, sciatica, nephritis, and other ailments since she was young. She weighed about 100 pounds, and even a light wind could blow her over. She needed to rely on medicines to stay alive. Whenever her diseases became severe, she had to go to the hospital. The hospital stays and medical treatments were quite costly, and she became known as a famous “medicine pot” at her workplace.

Fortunately in 1996 Zhu Guiying started to practice Falun Gong. When she finished reading Zhuan Falun for the first time, she thought it was a heavenly book, and that Master had come to save her. She was so excited and she felt she had received a treasure. She has since not stopped reading this treasured book. After practicing Dafa for a short period of time, Zhu Guiying experienced a major change in her body. All of her ailments disappeared and she became healthy in mind and body. She truly appreciated that Master had granted her a new life from the bottom of her heart.

Before obtaining the Fa, Zhu Guiying was addicted to smoking cigarettes. She tried many ways to quit, but none of them worked. She would quit one day but the very next day she would start to smoke again. That happened over and over. However, after Zhu Guiying studied the Fa more and deeper, she easily removed her bad smoking habit. This miracle shocked her whole family and her co-workers, and they all thought that Falun Gong was very powerful and very great!

Firmly Believing In Dafa, Miracles Appeared

Within six months after Zhu Guiying began practicing Falun Gong, one day she suddenly felt bad. Both her legs were terribly swollen and many purple spots appeared on her body. She knew this was not a bad thing, and that Master was helping to purify her body from the inside out, even including potential future diseases. Therefore she was not concerned at all and kept doing what she needed to do as usual. Her legs kept swelling and eventually her pants had to be cut open. Eventually she could no longer walk at all. She had a high fever and it did not go away. The purple spots, which were as large as coins, now covered her entire body. Her children were scared and forcibly carried her to the hospital.

The hospital’s specialist said that she had a rare chronic illness named Becket’s Disease, and that it was difficult to cure. This illness has a high rate of recurrence, and brings extreme pain to the entire body. There were only two or three cases of this disease in the province. If the disease did not relapse, the spots may eventually disappear in several years time.

At that time many doctors had not seen this disease, so they came to study this case. Zhu Guiying told them that she was a practitioner and she had Master to protect her, so she would be fine. But none of the doctors believed her. They said the disease was very severe, but their words did not worry Zhu Guiying one bit. Zhu Guiying chose to firmly believe in Master and the Fa. In the end a miracle appeared. The pain disappeared. Although she could not walk, she kept studying the Fa and practicing the exercises.

One month later, Zhu Guiying recovered from her disease and the spots disappeared. The doctor witnessed this and expressed surprise. Zhu Guiying told them it was the result of practicing Falun Gong. At that time some doctors said, "Your exercises are miraculous and great. Do you have any books that you could give me?" Zhu Guiying appreciated from the bottom of her heart that Master had saved her life again.

Thus, through studying the Fa, Zhu Guiying experienced great changes in her body and mind. She gradually learned how to be a good person, a noble person, and a supernormal person.

Illegally Jailed for Clarifying the Truth

On July 20, 1999, the CCP launched the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. At that time Zhu Guiying thought such a good cultivation way had been wronged and therefore she appealed for justice for Falun Gong and Master. She went to Beijing with fellow practitioners to explain the situation to the central government without any fear. Wherever she was, including in her home, in her workplace, with her supervisor, and even with the bad police officers, she told them, “Falun Dafa is good” in a dignified manner. She also recited the Fa to them.

In 2004, one fellow practitioner was arrested for giving out informational materials. Zhu Guiying was sent to Shandong No. 1 Women’s Forced Labor Camp located on Jiangshuiquan Road, in Jinan City for one year.

In the labor camp, Zhu Guiying clarified the truth to the guards in a dignified manner. She kept reciting Hong Yin in her mind and also taught others to recite it. The labor camp persecuted her in many ways. The guards deprived her of sleep, and they even used her family as a tool to threaten her. When she lost her clear consciousness, Zhu Guiying signed her name to the three statements. But Zhu Guiying soon realized that she was wrong to have done that. She cried very hard and immediately wrote a very formal statement in the labor camp denouncing the so-called “three statements.” The evil guards saw that their transformation had failed so they became very mad. They kept torturing her in all kinds of cruel ways. Zhu Guiying was isolated in a small unit, tied on a death bed, handcuffed for a long period of time, and deprived of sleep. However Zhu Guiying persevered through all of this with great forbearance and strong will which is granted by Dafa to true cultivators.

Re-enactment: Use of handcuffs for torture

Ms. Zhu Guiying Put Under Surveillance Again and Arrested

After Zhu Guiying was released from the labor camp and returned home, the Jinan City Kunlun Street Police Station and the local district office kept sending people to spy on her or even to harass her in her house. On all CCP sensitive dates, someone from a higher level government office visited her house and talked to her. Zhu Guiying told them the truth with great and pure forbearance, and advised them not to persecute others or they would eventually hurt themselves. She asked them to treat Falun Gong practitioners well. The local police officers and working staff from the district office had all witnessed Zhu Guiying’s great changes, and since they had witnessed the miracles of Dafa, they knew that Falun Gong practitioners were all good people.

In late 2011, the evil Zhou Yongkang came to Jinan City to hold a police department meeting. He forced all the area police department staff members to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Some of the practitioners were under police surveillance around the clock. Zhu Guiying soon found that she was also under tight surveillance.

On the afternoon of February 8, 2012, Zhu Guiying was brought to the local district office after being told that they needed to talk with her. When Zhu Guiying went there, the police were waiting to arrest her. The police later ransacked her home and confiscated a lot of Dafa materials. Zhu Guiying’s family checked with many different sources and learned that she had been taken to the Jinan City Liuchangshan Brainwashing Center (also known as the Jinan City Law Education Center, a facility set up by the 610 Office to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.)

Asking Kind People to Help Stop the Persecution

After Zhu Guiying began practicing Falun Dafa, she experienced a huge change in both her mind and body, and her moral standard also improved. Her family life and relationships improved. For over the past dozen years, she didn't need to go to the hospital or need any medicine. She was previously a sickly person, but became a person able to care for her family and children. She saved a large amount of money that would have been spent for medical bills, and both her workplace and the country benefited as a result. Her relatives and friends witnessed the beauty of Dafa manifesting in her.

Zhu Guiying’s husband died early. Because Zhu Guiying retired because of poor health, she had only a small retirement salary to live on. She had one daughter and one son that she lived with. Her son was preparing for his wedding when Zhu Guiying was sentenced to prison the first time. Her family suffered a lot but her kindhearted daughter-in-law did not blame her. Her grandson is now 5 years old and is attending kindergarten. Zhu Guiying was taking care of her grandson. Her son and daughter-in-law worked very hard and did not receive good pay because their workplace was doing poorly. This time Zhu Guiying was arrested twice and the police ransacked her home. Her family feels emotionally and financially defeated.

Therefore we are asking the international community to pay attention to the case of Ms. Zhu Guiying, who is still illegally imprisoned and persecuted at the Jinan Liuchangshan Brainwashing Center. We also ask that all Jinan City citizens with righteous minds help expose the wicked police officers, government officials, and citizens’ criminal deeds. They are asked to expose these criminal deeds on the Internet. Together, this joint effort will serve to stop the persecution. Kindness is the most powerful resource and there is no way that the righteous thoughts of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in practitioners’ minds can be destroyed.