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Government Official: Practicing Falun Dafa Is Great

April 1, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was born in 1967. After I graduated from college, I became a government official.

When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, I was assigned to monitor practitioners. While I lived among them, I learned about Falun Gong. I learned that practitioners followed the principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. Monk Xuanzang in Journey to the West was a practitioner in a temple, while Falun Gong practitioners live in contemporary society. I felt a sense of wonder as I listened to them reading the Fa. I started to read Zhuan Falun myself, and thereafter I could never put it aside. The book teaches you how to be an honest, kind, and tolerant person. Isn't that wonderful? The Chinese constitution honors freedom of belief, and the CCP persecution is totally illegal. I formally began practicing Falun Dafa after thinking it over at the end of 1999.

Before I started to practice, I was aggressive in my position, and did things according to my mood at the time. I was deeply affected by the Party culture of fighting against heaven and earth, was disgruntled when I was serving the masses, and thought highly about privileges. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, when my colleagues had business questions for me, I answered them patiently. My supervisor openly said that I was the most upright and capable person. I was often assigned to handle superior inspections. People worried that their cases might go nowhere, so they gave me money when they came to me for services. If I could not turn down their gift right then, I returned the money after I finished handling their case. At the same time, I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to them. I told them that the CCP deliberately deceived people using false evidence, that the CCP promoted atheism, and that people would be blessed by God and Buddha only after they quit the CCP. They all said that I was always smiling and that it was rare to meet a government official like me.

I divorced in 1997 because my ex-mother-in-law and I had a bad relationship. I married for a second time after I began practicing Falun Dafa. My mother-in-law's brother was sick and had been admitted to a hospital. My husband did not want to visit him. I then visited him alone and gave him money. I also clarified the truth to him and had him quit the CCP. His doctor said that he might not survive an operation, but the operation was a success and he was released from the hospital ahead of schedule. My husband did not want to get together with his cousin and wasn't friendly when he talked to him. After we married, I said to him that being filial was the number one good deed and that he should respect his mother. Their relationship did improve. My mother-in-law's sister told our relatives that the relationship between the cousins did improve after my husband married me. Both the young and old people in the family said that I was a good person. It is Falun Dafa cultivation that changed me.

Recently, my laptop's power connection quit working. I took it to a repair shop in a city and learned that the motherboard was broken and a new one would cost several hundred yuan. A fellow practitioner said that it was not worth the money and offered to buy a second-hand one for me. My laptop was broken for a week, and I felt very sorry for it and said to it, “You have been used by a practitioner. You are a life that assimilates to the Fa. Please remember that Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good!” I took the laptop home and felt that it would work fine. I plugged in the power line, and it worked.

Everything has life, not to mention humans. When my fellow countrymen look at present society, they see peasants leaving their land, workers losing their jobs, graduates not finding jobs, fake wine, fake milk powder, recycled oil from the sewer, etc. The CCP consistently advocates atheism, deceives people using lies, and operates above the law. Everyday people are burdened with housing, education, and medical bills.

I follow the principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. I think that our 5,000 years of traditional culture is about being honest and kind, respecting the elderly, caring for the young, and taking a step back in conflicts. That is Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and it is the Dao of heaven. Ancient Chinese people believed in God and Buddha. The Temple of Heaven in Beijing is the place where emperors worshiped heaven and earth. History books are full of examples that our ancestors were blessed because they worshiped God. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are woven through 5,000 years of Chinese divinely-inspired culture. Falun Gong is a cultivation practice following the Buddha law of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.

My fellow countrymen, even if you don't practice Falun Gong, please learn the truth about the persecution of practitioners. Discerning between good and bad, and kindness and evil, is being responsible to your own lives. May you learn and assimilate to Dafa, and be free from the CCP's atheism. May God and Buddha bless you when catastrophes strike.