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44 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong

A Total of 474393 Declarations Have Been Published To Date

April 3, 2012


A "Solemn Declaration" is a person's public statement to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Minghui.org receives such statements from practitioners and non-practitioners alike.

The statements referred to in the title of this article refer only to those made by Falun Dafa practitioners.

In the face of physical torture, brainwashing and/or official threats made against themselves or their families, the practitioners referred to in this article signed statements renouncing their faith in Falun Dafa and pledging to CCP authorities that they would not practice again. These practitioners have since realized that they should not have allowed themselves to be compelled to renounce their faith.

By publishing these Solemn Declarations on the Minghui website, these practitioners hereby retract anything they had earlier said or done against Falun Dafa, and publicly declare their intention to resume practicing Falun Dafa.

Recent examples of Solemn Declarations:

More Solemn Declarations