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Getting Rid of Resentment and Having Compassion for Fellow Practitioners

May 4, 2012 |   By a practitioner in New Zealand

(Minghui.org) I read some experience sharing articles in how to get rid of the attachment to resentment, which were quite helpful. At the time, I didn't think further about the subject matter, but then decided to share my thoughts about it with fellow practitioners.

Those who are from or live in Mainland China may have had similar experiences. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) always instills hatred and concepts that bring out hatred in people through different kinds of activities in an effort to ruin people's good nature. Therefore, people only think of their own advantages and how to manipulate others' weaknesses. They criticize each other without thought of how it affects the other person. Eventually, there is much anger and hatred, which severely inhibits and influences practitioners' relationships. This affects greatly coordination activities for saving sentient beings. If we do not get rid of the resentment and remain attached to hatred, we can even lose cultivation opportunities. We must eliminate this attachment.

We might see this attachment, but be unable to snap out of it and do something about it. If we could be tolerant of fellow practitioners instead of complaining about each other, we would improve our coordination, which is needed to save sentient beings. When we hear complaints by practitioners, we should ask ourselves why we heard them? How should we respond? What kind of attachment is hidden in such a complaint? If we don't look inward and acknowledge the complaint, we might not become clear and recognize the attachment. If we share with each other based on the Fa when we hear some complaint, we focus on the specific issue rather than on the attachment and so we can't eliminate it. We aren't improving on the Fa. Digging out the attachment is our responsibility to the body of practitioners and ourselves. Thus, this resentment still blocks our relationships with other practitioners.

I felt I was diligent and never got involved in stirring things up or holding resentment because I never purposely hurt others. However, I did criticize others among close friends. I did complain to my husband about some family matters, and didn't realize that this arose out of my resentment. Sometimes, between close relatives, I wouldn't cultivate my speech and criticize others who disagreed with me or made me sad. Now, I realize that I should eliminate this attachment and I should cultivate my speech and thought, so that I improve in my cultivation.

I recently read some Chinese traditional stories published on Minghui and think that they are beneficial for my improvement. One of Teacher' s verses helped me understand better,

Casting off Attachments

Delusion blinds the world’s people,
Each attached to fame and gain,
But honest and kind were the ancients,
Calm and balanced, fortune and longevity were their lot.

(Hong Yin, English Translation Version A)

People have different understandings. One sometimes doesn't realize that we protect ourselves but hurt others. As practitioners, we must cultivate based on Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to walk a straight cultivation path. We gradually correct ourselves and eliminate attachments, including resentment.

Let's work together and eliminate all attachments that could result in misunderstanding or arguments. We need to cooperate with each other and show compassion, so we can form a strong union and hold strong righteous thoughts for saving sentient beings. I believe if we consider others more, we will have fewer gaps.

The sharing above is my understanding. Please kindly point out anything that is inappropriate.

Let us listen to Teacher's words,

Predestination Formed, the Lotuses Bloom

Where now are the gallant heroes of yore?
One after another they have come
since the spread of Dafa commenced
So long and drawn out the years—
hundreds, thousands, their measure
The predestination formed, with
true fruition, the many lotuses bloom.

(Hong Yin II, English Translation Version A)